Haunted House?

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Have you tried taking any video clips of them ? Set up a video camera outside your door...or better still webcam and mic, then give us your msn/yahoo nick and we can all watch !

This is a scarry thread.

This world has spirits lingering everywhere, day and night. People with yinyang eyes can see and my bro is one of them. I am fortunate i can't see any though I encountered the real thing during an exorcism session. Some years back, i had a friend who had several demons cast into her body by her dad who was a medium practicing what the locals call "dunk kee." To please the spirits, her sick father offered her body as a playhouse. I brought her to several churches to cast it out. Managed to find the right one and she was saved eventually by one church who could make the devil speak. (OMG, that voice was scarry ok and her eyes were filled with burning anger). It took several sessions to make the spirits leave her body. I am happy she is free from the bondage anymore.

To TS, if what u experienced was real, pls seek help from a good priest/monk that can better help you. Posting in CS+kopitiam section will only make things complicated.

No pun intended here and i do believe what you'd experienced was real. Take care and have a safe journey. God bless your family...

if you are really interested




'Ghost' is a name given to a form of existence that resulted from bad returns (karma)

an existence can be as simple as a thought.

Eikin is absolutely rite from the perspective of Buddhism. In Buddhism, "Ghost" is just a name. However and unfortunately, it got mix with culture and other religions , hence this misconception.

Dear XXXboy,

I'm not sure if this helps but you may wan to try.

1) Place two catus plant on either side of your main door.
2) A red packet of Raw Glutineous Rice and Salt placed above your door.
3) A white crystal in your hall and bedroom. (Remember to wash the crystal with water before use)

I have a friend whose mother fell sick overnight and had to stay in ICU. The doctor could not dianose the illness and all they know was that she cannot last 3 days. I told my friend to try this method and well... miracle happened to her mom. When we spoke to her mom after the incident, she said she just remember a woman kicking and pushing her.

So maybe you like to try.

When I was studying for a year in KL, I rented a cheap room from an auntie. My mandarin was so lousy that I didn't know when she said something like 'kung san'. So I rented the place and found out it's just behind a Christian cemetry. Open the kitchen window and I'll see the tombstones a meter away.

For that entire year, I get nose bleeds almost every day at different time. Even my books had blood stains coz sometimes bloody just drip when I was reading. Didn't give a damn as I couldn't afford renting other place.

Guess what ... when I finish studying and moved to another place in KL, the nose bleed never happened again. Thinking back ... eeeeew!

When I was studying for a year in KL, I rented a cheap room from an auntie. My mandarin was so lousy that I didn't know when she said something like 'kung san'. So I rented the place and found out it's just behind a Christian cemetry. Open the kitchen window and I'll see the tombstones a meter away.

For that entire year, I get nose bleeds almost every day at different time. Even my books had blood stains coz sometimes bloody just drip when I was reading. Didn't give a damn as I couldn't afford renting other place.

Guess what ... when I finish studying and moved to another place in KL, the nose bleed never happened again. Thinking back ... eeeeew!

Scary le! :eek:

Ultra. As I was sharing the room with a friend, they had only one bed. So i slept on a thin mattress on the floor. My mom says maybe it's coz I was 'too close' to them. :sweat: Damn, everytime I think of it ... eeeks!

Glad tat you are okie now! :D

When I was studying for a year in KL, I rented a cheap room from an auntie. My mandarin was so lousy that I didn't know when she said something like 'kung san'. So I rented the place and found out it's just behind a Christian cemetry. Open the kitchen window and I'll see the tombstones a meter away.

For that entire year, I get nose bleeds almost every day at different time. Even my books had blood stains coz sometimes bloody just drip when I was reading. Didn't give a damn as I couldn't afford renting other place.

Guess what ... when I finish studying and moved to another place in KL, the nose bleed never happened again. Thinking back ... eeeeew!

When i was studying oversea in UK, the hostel storeroom contains full of bibles. Each students mandatory will be given a bible.

Yes, we were wondering why they do need to keep so many bibles for so few students staying. And why the need of a bible given to each occupant when most of them are not christian.

It sure does give some pple alot of imagination in the century old hostels .

When i was studying oversea in UK, the hostel storeroom contains full of bibles. Each students mandatory will be given a bible.

Yes, we were wondering why they do need to keep so many bibles for so few students staying. And why the need of a bible given to each occupant when most of them are not christian.

It sure does give some pple alot of imagination in the century old hostels .

Some hotels too store bibles in their rooms. There was one I stayed in gives both Bible and Quran. If my old brain remember correctly... It was either in the hotel in Indonesia or Malaysia... forgot liao...

Actually .. Never leave your house unoccupied for more than a month..

you'll attract unwanted "things"

if lets say you do leave it , have prayer sessions at your house every day for a week , if you go home only once a week or twice a week , have someone stay your house . or at least drop by to clean it up even if it's tidy everyday, just so that a human presence is there and nothing "unclean" is attracted to it.

halo XXX Boy,

it's time for u to:
# move to another place
# change your religion

XXX Boy,

I hope by now all your 'issues' have been resolved.
My advise is that you request your direct Guru or Lama from the same Sect to do a Puja on top of blessing the house. Anyway, I was taught that my mind is always the one making up illusions. In fact, I used to get whack just talking about such things! haha ..

in the first place, if you understand enough Buddhism, ghosts do not exist.

Why do you say so?

beings exist in various states, and the commonly used term of "ghost" is one such state - no matter how temporary/transient it is. i think, to the being that is suffering is such a state, it is a very real state to be in and deserves our compassion.
i think what is needed in such a situation is wisdom+compassion. Wisdom to look for the appropriate help and compassion to the being and yourself to not cause anymore suffering.

Dear XXXBoy
Frankly there is NO ghost on earth .... it's all in your mind. As long as you dont do harmful things to ppl and treat ppl nicely and fairly, you will have no fear at all. And keep your mind as "free" as possible and you will not see "things" .... trust me!

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