Haunted House?

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How come nobody mentioned about hiring a structural engineer to check out the place?

Don't always jump the gun that a place is "haunted". Make a log of what time these things happen: time, date, weather, temp and humidity levels. It's not that I don't believe in such things, but I do believe one should make proper real-world investigations first before classifying problems as "unexplained".

And yes, just open the door lah. It could very well just be a prankster.

Ockham's razor: The simplest explanation is usually the correct one.

Or leave the door open? and see what will happen?

I heard people saying that if u see scratching sound on wall or door, sometimes it is caused by 'white ants'.. so check it out.

wowwww. your whole composition makes sense, like from a diety

Hi actually, what i suggest..open the door, is most children will do.. if they haven't been 'scared' by adults..ha. it is just common sense.. =)

Is the door tightly fitted? Sometimes when breeze blow against the door causing it to vibrate, it can sound like 'something' knocking on the door. Otherwise, I heard that during the night, sometimes the beams with their reinforcement bars in them contracts creating sounds as well.

I shifted back to my current home after it being vacated for abt 2 years. In which this time, 2 spirits "shifted" in. Initially they only made their presence felt by standing in the doorway or the young one will attempt to play "hide and seek" with me from time to time. My family started to feel scared when the older of the two decided to make his presence felt stronger. He slapped my sister twice in her sleep. And i kid you not. this made my sister's head shift from side to side with redness on her face. My mom started to get disturbing dreams and complains of being harasses in the night. I never really told them about what has been bothering them till my mom broke the silence to me about it and that my father's health was also being affected.

I've been very very sensitive to this things and can relate to quite a few common stories and experiences that ppl have. eg. knocking on the door. Usually this things happen when the amount of negative energy or "ying qi" is more then that of the "Yang qi" when a place is not occupied for a long time thus making the place a more inviting home for these presences of wandering spirits looking for a home.

For me, my faith is in catholism thus i got a priet to come in to bless the house. Ever since then they left.

I'd Suggest to open your windows more for the sun to enter your place. Have gatherings over at your house to boost the "Yang qi" and also a higher person in your religious belief to give a blessing over the house thats meant for protection and peace.

Hope my sharing helps. :) Good luck. ;)

scary stories people always tell....

Actually during my 3 weeks ICT in Aug/Sept , similar incidents had happen to my platoon / company. But it was our company 2IC who got slapped during our command phrase when only commanders were in camp. with very damn obvious swelling on his cheek. Not wanting to alarm us, he said it was " wisdom tooth problem"

Later when the main body came ,1 of our man communicated with "her" and was told that, before our ICT, "they" were occupying our entire block. But when we move in for the command phrase and subsequently the rest of the battalion for the main body phrase, "they" left. But the "one" did not know where her "friends" had gone to, thus still lingering around. The same theory of " ying " and "yang" energy .

Prior to the main body phrase, apart from the coy 2IC incident, individually my fellow colleagues in my platoon also experience some things, just that we did not mention and talk abt it bcos we do not wish to alarm the rest. It was only until the main body phrase when 1 of the old bird in my section mentioned, that all my men talked about what they experienced.

Actually during my 3 weeks ICT in Aug/Sept , similar incidents had happen to my platoon / company. But it was our company 2IC who got slapped during our command phrase when only commanders were in camp. with very damn obvious swelling on his cheek. Not wanting to alarm us, he said it was " wisdom tooth problem"

Later when the main body came ,1 of our man communicated with "her" and was told that, before our ICT, "they" were occupying our entire block. But when we move in for the command phrase and subsequently the rest of the battalion for the main body phrase, "they" left. But the "one" did not know where her "friends" had gone to, thus still lingering around. The same theory of " ying " and "yang" energy .

Prior to the main body phrase, apart from the coy 2IC incident, individually my fellow colleagues in my platoon also experience some things, just that we did not mention and talk abt it bcos we do not wish to alarm the rest. It was only until the main body phrase when 1 of the old bird in my section mentioned, that all my men talked about what they experienced.

Scary leh, next time will be more careful during my ICT, cos my unit always under strength, leaving each section with 4-5 men.

I heard screams during camp when the guy beside me heard nothing. Happened twice on 2 consecutive nights in separate locations. :confused: Like high pitched girls scream, very 'clear' and loud. :faint:

I heard screams during camp when the guy beside me heard nothing. Happened twice on 2 consecutive nights in separate locations. :confused: Like high pitched girls scream, very 'clear' and loud. :faint:

that is 1 of the things that my 1 of my men in my section heard in our bunk for some nights. There were more incidents , some were my own experiences during the ICT.

hehe.. topic of thread now startin to change into "huanted camp" haha.. keep it coming. ;p

ict = "in camera training" hahaha ;p

whats ict

:think: humm. You haven serve SAF ? Or dun need to serve ( cos your next generation will serve for you ? ) Or your gender is exempted from serving unless you volunteer ?

ICT = a well deserved break from work, catching up with brothers-in-arms and lots of late nights and lack of sleep :bsmilie:

ICT = In Camp Training / Reservist

is it true tt if a room is brightly decorated eg. brighter colors, reflective surface 2 reflect light it will shift d balance from 1 tt is more yin - yang? :dunno:

my kitchen toilet seems alot brighter w/ almost everything in white.
. glazed ceramic tiles in white color
. semi glazed mocha colored tiles
. white WC & sink
. hints of silver/metal details like tap.

i oni kno tt i dun need 2 switch on d light when i pee. :bsmilie: but does it help? :dunno:

What a bunch of bulls!

Judging from your avatar and nick and attitude, your story is certainly not a true one. You got them but not me! hahaha

My wife and I just bought a house (resale) just half a year back in Singapore.
We only stay in there only in the weekends.
My wife and I could hear door knocking while we are sleeping at night. We are quite frighten and we quickly invited a Thai monk to our place for blessing. While the monk is chanting, my wife and I could clearly hear a female voice chanting along with him! We were shocked! And after the blessing, we give dana to the monk. The monk also suggested that we should give some offerings to the spirits too and we did so. Then it seems does not disturbed us and everything seems okie after the blessing.
It is really ok until 3 months later (which is last nite), we could hear door knocking again.
Wat should I do, pls help!

My wife and I just bought a house (resale) just half a year back in Singapore.
We only stay in there only in the weekends.
My wife and I could hear door knocking while we are sleeping at night. We are quite frighten and we quickly invited a Thai monk to our place for blessing. While the monk is chanting, my wife and I could clearly hear a female voice chanting along with him! We were shocked! And after the blessing, we give dana to the monk. The monk also suggested that we should give some offerings to the spirits too and we did so. Then it seems does not disturbed us and everything seems okie after the blessing.
It is really ok until 3 months later (which is last nite), we could hear door knocking again.
Wat should I do, pls help!

If you are a scientific person, I will tell you that you may need to place a videocam at your door cos it might just be someone playing a prank on you.

If you you believe in the supernatural, there are things which actually you can do to see if it is really those supernatural things that's bothering you. ;)

:bsmilie: :thumbsup:

Hey! I know this is a forum of free speech but dun get overboard! What kind of silly comments you had made and while I am really seeking for help! Just look at what the hell you had posted here: -

tat looks like the female ghost tat has been hounding xxxboy!

ideally, u should move out of the house and not get into further tangle with it.

by the way, upsize ur offerings to the spirits. times are hard in the netherworld, i belif. GST on the rise, transport cost up... etc.etc.
nothing is easy it seems!

i do haf a few encounters myself... but hey! that's another story for another day!

cheers! meanwhile, get set to sell that apartment!

Pls be more sensible in your words! You dun help nevermind but dun post this kind of remarks ok? I bloody curse your house kena all Ghost, Dorje Shunden and etc! :thumbsd:

After hearing the mantra, the ghost will most probably repent and hence will go away. That is why I say that the mantra will ward off the ghost

in the first place, if you understand enough Buddhism, ghosts do not exist.

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