[Hak] Iceland, March 2014


Senior Member
Sep 13, 2009
Iceland, a dream destination for most photographers. I'm glad to have been there while I'm still young and energetic, hopefully I'll return again in future!

As expected, the weather when I was there wasn't totally good, and changed really quickly. I chose to travel in March so that I'll have enough hours of darkness to catch the Aurora Borealis, but at the same time still have a mild enough weather to travel around in the day. I spent 13 days in Iceland, travelling one round the ring road in a rented car together with my friends. We experienced all sorts of weather, sometimes all in the same day. We almost didn't make it to the north due to heavy snow and road closures, but thankfully it cleared up on the day we set off to the north.

If you are planning to go to Iceland, I would suggest allocating more buffer time in one area just in case of bad weather, which is highly likely to happen. Don't be demoralised by the bad weather though, since it can turn into a beautiful day all of a sudden. However, it can also work the other way round, which was what we experienced. It was bright and sunny at one point of time, but after going for a short toilet break, we came out and found it snowing.

Gears used for this trip:
Canon EOS 6D
Canon 17-40mm f4L
Canon 70-200mm f2.8L IS

If you are interested, you can visit my other Landscape/Travel threads here:
- Central Java
- Singapore
- Paris

I won't be uploading my photos in chronological order, because I think I'll be selecting photos to process based on my mood.

The first photo to start off this thread would be my first encounter with the northern lights on this trip, taken at Vik. It was our 3rd night and we finally had clear skies at night. The Aurora activity was pretty weak, which means no dancing streaks, but it still got us excited enough to stop cooking our dinner immediately and head out to shoot. The cosy cottage in the photo is where we were living in.


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Reactions: ricleo and wonglp
Fantastic. Camping for more!

set up basha here.

Amazing! You mentioned dinner, so I assume the aurora to start after the sun sets?

A long exposure taken at the Jökulsárlón Glacier Lagoon on one of the days where we finally had clear skies during sunset.


Awesome hope i can go there one day

Looking forward to more great shots from you bro :)

fwah. power shots bro. make basha? build condo man. sure got a lot of people stay one.

make lim peh gian onli. someday...someday...when I'm 64....sigh.

fwah. power shots bro. make basha? build condo man. sure got a lot of people stay one.

make lim peh gian onli. someday...someday...when I'm 64....sigh.

Second that, i'm green wtith envy man. :)

Been waiting for yr iceland thread man . More more more . Power shot for the 1st 2

very nice pictures ... well composed with nice exposure.
thanks for sharing

Ice and Light, Great Combo!

Wow so many replies, you guys have high expectations, hope I don't disappoint! Thanks for the comments anyway! :)

The next photo is of the Aurora Borealis again, because I'm too excited and just have to process them, and also it takes a shorter time to post process as compared to my other shots. I'll move on to other types of photos after this!

On our last night in Iceland (not counting the final night at a hostel beside the airport), we stayed in this beautiful guesthouse at Grundarfjörður, with lots of open space and interesting foregrounds to shoot northern lights no matter which direction it came from. It's called Sudur-Bar Guesthouse and I would highly recommend you to stay there if you are in that area. The sad thing was, we only planned to stay for one night, and the clouds didn't look promising when we arrived. Luckily the skies were kind to us and at midnight, the clouds cleared up and treated us to a spectacular light show from all directions. What a way to mark the end of our trip.


Sunrise at Gulfoss
Not exactly a spectacular sunrise, but this was the coldest and windiest sunrise I have ever experienced shooting.


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Reactions: Supersimon27
Wow! Great images :thumbsup:

This one was taken at Seljalandsfoss. I love shooting waterfalls but I hate it when the wind keeps blowing all the water droplets onto my filters and even though I clean them with my cleaning cloth, it's never good enough. If anyone has a better method to overcome this problem, please share it with me. :)
