GST up to 7%

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The new 7% GST will be announced on 15 Feb 2007.
For those who studied and still remember history, 65 years ago (15 Feb 1942), on that day is a black sunday for Singapore. That's when Singapore fall to Japan occupation.

Is history repeating itself in another form? :think:

The new 7% GST will be announced on 15 Feb 2007.
For those who studied and still remember history, 65 years ago (15 Feb 1942), on that day is a black sunday for Singapore. That's when Singapore fall to Japan occupation.

Is history repeating itself in another form? :think:

:sweat: i hope Government will announce some 'softening packages' for the needy, someone like me. :sweatsm:

Last time one meal is at least 20 dollars, now one meal is 2.50 because of BBB virus.... :p
why the gov't cannot spend less on luxury things, like "Civil Servant clubs, benefits like Karoke rooms,and gym in certain gov't board buildings??

Next time I will buy camera stuff and other things from oversea when I travel, even from MALAYSIA. Definitely cheaper then Singapore after 7% increase. Malaysia Bagus!!!:thumbsup:

Government say help the poor. TK Man!!! The poor will become poorer.

Arh!!! We are being controlled by the government!!! No liberty!!! What the hack!!!:angry:

Next time I will buy camera stuff and other things from oversea when I travel, even from MALAYSIA. Definitely cheaper then Singapore after 7% increase.

FYI, Malaysia has a 10% GST.

Singapore to post Budget surplus of S$430m: PM Lee
Posted on CNA: 17 February 2006 1615 hrs
SINGAPORE : Prime Minister and Finance Minister Lee Hsien Loong said Friday the government will post a budget surplus of S$430 million for the fiscal year ending March 2006.

Can someone define the meaning of surplus? Maybe my English teacher been tellling me the wrong thing all these years...

:bigeyes: Oh noooooooooo! There goes my great plans!

No worries bro. You still can have your big plans if you buy your stuff from Malaysia. :lovegrin:

I foresee JB Merchants is happy after hearing Singapore news because for sure singaporeans will spend more at malaysia after the GST Hike. Malaysia here I come:lovegrin:

you ought to get the facts right. The problems with NKF is not purely the amount of money he earns but the manner the business is run. Loose or poor internal controls in an a charity organisation is not acceptable. Unorthodox rewarding scheme and renumerations are not right in any organisation.

We donate $$$ to help the sick patient, not to help someone family member's mercedes repair bill and ...

Please go and see how much CEOs of MNCs are paid before reverting to the old peanut statement. I can't believe how people are still making fun of this peanut thing. He's not the CEO of some small company or a salaried worker of a company, he was the CEO. Was the statement insensitive given the circumstances? Probably. But his $600,000 renumeration was not anything out of the ordinary.

And please, your expenditure is not going to increase by 40% due to the GST increment... :rolleyes:

Think jsbn can run as candidate for the PAPPY. ;p

If it hits one so hard, cut down! I see so many chaps here on the BBB virus that I truly wonder if they were to eliminate or at least downsize the BBB it probably wun be as bad. ;p

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