GST up to 7%

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Haahahaha!!!! Maybe next year they do...........COSPLAY!!!

With any luck, you can soon see your MP wearing this!!!


really can connect with us ah !!!! hahahahaaaaa... :bsmilie:

Wah liao.....faint ah! :bsmilie:

this coming Sitex show... better buy what u need or may need.. or predicted to need ! next year buy expensive loh :cry:

HAhahahaa....... you cannot expect them to dance Ballet don't you? some of them in the pics might be CS members! :what:
Mah Bow Tan is an avid Photographer u know? ;p

I think it is just plain sad to see some people justify the need to raise GST by another 2% by stating that we have one of the lowest rates in the world. Don't make yourselves sound silly.

What irks me is this, as extracted from the channelnewsasia report.

"He explained that it is better to do the increase now when the economy is doing well, rather than wait till later. This will give the government time to see how this adjustment can be managed, and to cope better with the unknown forces of globalisation over the next 5 to 7 years."

And this as well.

"While Singapore's current model to tackle the widening income gap is sound, Mr Lee said the government would take on two approaches to deal with the new environment - to strengthen the safety nets and tilt the balance in favour of the lower-income groups who do not benefit from the fruits of economic growth.

To do this, government spending will have to go up. The government now spends some 15 percent of its GDP - one of the lowest in the world."

It really puts me off. In the last resession, we got our employer CPF cut, and it was never restored. When times are good, instead of raising the employer CPF contribution, GST is raised. Their ammunition is always at the expense of us! And the part that says better to raise it now than wait . . . waiting for a downturn? Raise taxes before a possible downturn? What is he thinking of when he said wait?

The other part says the government spends very little of what they collect. If the expenditure is already so little, why the need to collect so much? Where is all this money currently going to? No answers, obviously. They collect before they spend. If they spend first, they will definitely collect it back almost immediately. What plan is this that requires them to collect now, then wait and see what needs to be done? Come on, treat your fellow Singaporeans with more respect, explain your plan and justify it. At this juncture, I cannot see how raising GST by 2% can help needy Singaporeans. Ultimately, prices will go up by more than 2%. Definitely more than meets the eye. Note, I am not suggesting fraud, I am thinking that the government does not necessarily have to raise taxes now.

I still remember the recession of 1997 and thereafter. On budget day, a deficit was expected for FY1999 of about $5billion, but that turned out to be a $3.4billion surplus by the time FY2000 budget was announced. Explanation was that the increase came from stronger COE and income tax collections. Of course, we got some of that money back into our CPF, totalling $345million. Some $200million was also added to the Eldercare Fund. The rest, they naturally saved it up for a rainy day. Incredible, Richard Hu must have really kiasu people around him providing him with only the worst case estimates to plan and work with. I sure hope mini Lee surrounds himself with better people.

Nice read

Please go and see how much CEOs of MNCs are paid before reverting to the old peanut statement. I can't believe how people are still making fun of this peanut thing. He's not the CEO of some small company or a salaried worker of a company, he was the CEO. Was the statement insensitive given the circumstances? Probably. But his $600,000 renumeration was not anything out of the ordinary.

And please, your expenditure is not going to increase by 40% due to the GST increment... :rolleyes:

I'm just taking an example. BTW the $600,000 salary he's getting, is from a non-profit organisation. :nono:

When australia introduced the GST, they removed their old hidden tax. And this is a extract from the speech of AU PM.

"It is expected that next month the price of goods such as radios, televisions and video recorders will fall when the 32 per cent rate of wholesale sales tax is reduced to 22 per cent on the way to its complete abolition.

We have ensured that the rate of the GST is locked in at 10 per cent. "

Full text here

I agree my expenditure will not go up by 40%. But do u agree that the price of almost everthing is going to go up after the GST increase?

Mah Bow Tan is an avid Photographer u know? ;p

Is it? Can admin tell us his nickname if he's really in the CS? At least let us know mah, later scold the wrong person! :bsmilie:
dtimtravel, or Kopitiamexpo? :sweat:

I think MBT might be in another thread discussing the price of the HDB thingy! kekekekekek....... :sweat:

Is it? Can admin tell us his nickname if he's really in the CS? At least let us know mah, later scold the wrong person! :bsmilie:
dtimtravel, or Kopitiamexpo? :sweat:

I think MBT might be in another thread discussing the price of the HDB thingy! kekekekekek....... :sweat:

maybe is dkw... :bsmilie:

Is it? Can admin tell us his nickname if he's really in the CS? At least let us know mah, later scold the wrong person! :bsmilie:
dtimtravel, or Kopitiamexpo? :sweat:

I think MBT might be in another thread discussing the price of the HDB thingy! kekekekekek....... :sweat:

Sikali one of the mods :bigeyes:

Please go and see how much CEOs of MNCs are paid before reverting to the old peanut statement. I can't believe how people are still making fun of this peanut thing. He's not the CEO of some small company or a salaried worker of a company, he was the CEO. Was the statement insensitive given the circumstances? Probably. But his $600,000 renumeration was not anything out of the ordinary.

And please, your expenditure is not going to increase by 40% due to the GST increment... :rolleyes:

The problem with the whole NKF issue was not that he was a CEO of any company, he was the CEO of a NON PROFIT ORGANISATION. To clarify things, it means NKF is a charity, it is not supposed to be a profit driven organisation. Yes Top Management deserve a good pay for leading the company but not at the expenses of donors and patients.

Examples of dubious deals.

1) Selling medicine that had been sold to NKF at discounts based on its status as a charity organisations at the full price, hence making a huge profit

2) Backpaying CEO pay on days that he didnt take leave.

3) Payments made for services not rendered and traced later to be friends of CEO.

It is exactly this sort of mismanagement that makes the people lose faith in authority especially when until now there is no verdict on the case. It is as if it has been quietly washed under the carpet... all Bros!

Anyone bought this 4D number? Heard it'll be the 1st prize this week!!
Number is 0357!

GST 0%, 3%, 5%, 7%!!!

Yeh!!! :thumbsup:

If dkw is Mah Bow Tan, den I must be one of those Police Officers from ISD sent to supervise u guys.... ;p

Hullo! I have no wish to be associated with THAT party;)

Whilst some of us are struggling to get a PERMANENT JOB, the govt goes and increase the GST. What a bummer! :thumbsd:

Hope the prices of cameras will have a drop significantly before the GST increase next year.

pipohpipoh... mata lai liao...

if u the Police Officer from ISD, then i'll write your name on my Death Note... :devil:
Write it. :D

Never had a full-fledged fatal heart attack before (all those are uber minor ones). Write leh... :D

If dkw is Mah Bow Tan, den I must be one of those Police Officers from ISD sent to supervise u guys.... ;p

You are all is teh Bluestrike....quiet quiet hide one corner mod.


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