<grumpy> - Live to eat or Eat to live?

You mean "last" as in "last for now", right? :bsmilie:

Where are they from, by the way? Most of the hawker stores that sell nonya kuehs have a very sad collection the last time I tried to buy some. And Bengawan Solo, while nice, sometimes tweak the receipe so that they don't taste "traditional".

Yup, that's all for now. ;)

These were from Glory at Katong.

Lovely Nonya KuehS!!! :D

didn't "patronize" your thread for a while... your photos made those food so REAL!! :D


They are REAL food! :bsmilie:, me just capture their "beauty" before I (or my family/colleagues) consume them.

Stay tuned guys, more local delights coming up ;)

Was posting on my Phuket thread and thought these 2 shots should come in here as well. ;)

Ingredients for making Thai Curry/Tom Yum
By varying the amount of the different ingredients, you can create red, yellow, green curry or Tom yum



:cool: we want simple hawker fares.

patience, my fellow 18 yo.
Upcoming menu:
- mee goreng
- bee hoon goreng
- maggie mee goreng
- nasi ayam penyet
- char kuay tiao
- lor mee
- roti john

but another Thai dish before we go back to Singapore hawker fares :cool:
Phad Thai

mee goreng

Roti John

How do you guys insert your photos? Via a URL where the photos are stored? Newbie here:embrass:

What's the white stuff - mayo?

Been a very long time since I ate roti john. In fact, let me see... I think the last time is CMPB canteen, Tanglin Road. Yes, that long ago...

Yes sir, it was mayo.

OMG, CMPB at Tanglin Road... that was really a long time ago

Nasi Ayam Penyet from Eunos Hawker Centre