<grumpy> - Live to eat or Eat to live?

;p Wow that got me hungry

Looking at all the pics make me very hungry~...

*am stuck in office with instant noodles as dinner...zzz...*

Thanks for dropping by.

Hainanese Pork Chop with Rice


Hmm, I guess you're experimenting with removing the background? I think I like the regular format better (but, not having seen the original background, hard to say for sure). Or maybe it's just that I'm not too crazy about strawberries and grapes :bsmilie:

Hmm, I guess you're experimenting with removing the background? I think I like the regular format better (but, not having seen the original background, hard to say for sure). Or maybe it's just that I'm not too crazy about strawberries and grapes :bsmilie:

Nah, didn't remove the background per se, it was slightly off-white, I just pushed it to be white in photoshop as the original colour was not here nor there.

Thanks for the comment anyway.

Black Chicken Soup

Turtle Soup

Turtle Soup

OK, finally something I don't feel like eating when I next visit Singapore :bsmilie: No fault of the photo, just something I feel queasy about eating.

I like how you use the spoon to lift the meat out of the soup. I have to remember details like that when I'm shooting.

this thread is not helping my diet at all... lol :bsmilie:

OK, finally something I don't feel like eating when I next visit Singapore :bsmilie: No fault of the photo, just something I feel queasy about eating.

I like how you use the spoon to lift the meat out of the soup. I have to remember details like that when I'm shooting.

I was with a friend who is a food blogger, he was the one that taught me about using the spoon (or other utensils) to lift up the food item to gives it more emphasis.


got other not so exotic food not? the turtle soup not really to my liking leh..

old liao, prefer something not so 'stimulating' hahahahaha!

err, give me some time... recently quite busy, either no time to shoot, or shoot but no time to post. I will see if I can dig out some slightly older stuff later.