[GKC] Singapore got nice places to shoot meh?

Great shot :thumbsup:

Pardon for asking. 5 x 5 meaning 5 row x 5 column?

Hello, yep :) You can try different combination though. I shot with 4 by 6 before too, works out fine.

D90 | Sigma 10-20
ISO 640 | f5.6 | 30s x 105

by GohKC, on Flickr​

My first successful lightning shoot :D Did not actually plan for it but conditions were ideal when i arrived. It was really exhilarating watching the thunderstorm unfold in person.

D90 | Sigma 10-20
ISO 200 | F8 | 6s x 3 for lightning
ISO 200 | F8 | 30s Foreground​

Heaven's Calling
by GohKC, on Flickr​

D90 | Sigma 10-20 F4-5.6
ISO 400 | F4 | 30s x 200 (stars)
ISO 200 | F4 | 120s (foreground)

by GohKC, on Flickr​

:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Never in my wildest dream would I think that shooting the Milky way was possible in Singapore, that is until I came across a post by a local photographer, Justin Ng, where he showed that it was technically possible even in our heavily light polluted country. Like many I was intrigued, and maybe just a little skeptical, but I told myself that until proven otherwise I would take it as plausible. One day, my friend showed me an image he shot that showed a hint of the Milky way, and I saw another image posted by another friend that clearly showed that it was possible, and this piqued my curiosity. Luckily for me, my friend had been experimenting for quite awhile and was kind enough to teach me what he knew. Once I knew what to do, I waited, and waited for the optimal conditions to present themselves.

This morning at around 1am, I picked up my stuff and headed to location, after getting some sample shots, I came home to check on them, once I realized I was on to something, I rushed out again for a second attempt. It was close to 3am when I finally revealed the Milky way in post production, it was subtle, but it was there, I continued with the 2nd round of post production once I woke up, doing everything I could to draw out the details, and at long last it is completed. The satisfaction level of this image is none that I have experienced before, my beat up D90 has been pushed to its absolute limits and pushed even more in post, granted, the resulting image is quite possibly noisier than a plane taking off, and my post processing technique is still pretty much trial and error based, even so, this opens up so many possibilities and I would never ever see our skies the same way again.

Gear used - d90, sigma 10-20
Technical details - ISO 6400(hi3), F4, 30s

New beginning by GohKC, on Flickr​

hi bro do you mind sharing where is this location? thank you :)

Nikon D90 | Sigma 10-20 F4-5.6
ISO 1000 | f5.6 | 6s

by GohKC, on Flickr​

Going for a beautiful image rather than a realistic one.

Nikon d90 | Sigma 10-20 | F4-5.6
ISO 200 | f8 | 3s (Panorama blue hour base)
ISO 200 | F11 | bulb mode (fireworks)

Digital age
by GohKC, on Flickr​

D90 | Sigma 10-20 F4-5/6
ISO 200 | F8 | 8s (base shot)
ISO 200 | f16 | blub mode (fireworks)
ISO 1600 | F5.6 | 1/3s (lights)

by GohKC, on Flickr​