Get well thread for Agape01

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Though most of the clubbers have not met or known you, including myself, our prayers and wishes to you for a speedy recovery. Condolences also to the demise of your mother.

God bless and come back soon!

Brother Caleb: Your healing shall spring forth speedily" (Isaiah 58:8). The Lord says in Exodus 15:26, I am the Lord that healeth thee , His word will not return to Him void. And I praise the Lord for your recovery.

Brother Mun Sang and Joshua: Precious in the sight of the Lord Is the death of His saints (Psalms 116.15). You may have questions but be strong and take good courage for sister Doreen is with the Lord.

Latest from STNews,4390,211303,00.html?

"THE Singaporean driver involved in last Saturday's car crash in the south-west American state of Colorado has been charged with causing the deaths of two Americans and his wife, as well as injuring his son.

Mr Cheong Mun Sang, 58, is scheduled to appear at a county courthouse later next month, state police said.

They suspect the accident was caused by driver fatigue.

Mr Cheong had been driving for about eight hours on Saturday when his Ford Expedition ran off his lane onto oncoming traffic at about 4 pm. He managed to swerve back into his lane but the vehicle spun and was hit by an oncoming car.

His wife, Doreen, 58, died from the crash. The American couple in the other vehicle also died. The Cheongs' 28-year-old son Calebis now at a Colorado Springs hospital after surgery to remove a blood clot in his head.

A special prayer session was held by Singapore friends and colleagues at Woodlands Evangelical Free Church on Wednesday night for the family, who are devout Christians."

Double tragedy!! it seems that not only did Calebis lose his mother, it appears that now they are charging his father for causing the accident.
Cause of crash = Driver fatigue.


May not know who is caleb. But my best wishes to caleb and condolences to the cheong family.

Get well soon, Caleb...

Dear fellow Clubsnappers,

many thanks to the efforts of Lavenderlilz, a beautifully printed book which compiled all the postings of well-wishes here in this thread has been delivered to Caleb's church in Woodlands today and will be DHL-ed to him this afternoon.

Please continue to pray for his recovery in this thread as well as for his family, esp his father who has to suffer from the loss of his wife and now, this court case.

And that all of them will be back safely to read the postings here.

Here's the spirit of CS :)

The Lord will be with his family, I pray too that everything will be smooth for his family.

Jeremiah 33:3 : Call on me in prayer and I will answer you. I will show you great and mysterious things which you still do not know about.

And many thanks to Auntie Lav for helping out with the printing and sending to Caleb, I'm sure he will be encouraged by that. :)

Caleb, we're all waiting for you here, come on back soon.

best wishes for his health and recovery. have to look forward cos there is so much more waiting for him.

can't do much about the past.

espn said:
And many thanks to Auntie Lav for helping out with the printing and sending to Caleb, I'm sure he will be encouraged by that. :)

Now that is very unChristian-like of u to call me Auntie ah! :kok:

Caleb, get well soon. The Lord is watching over you.

Caleb, for your sake, I got hammered by Lav, so you must come back and let me hammer u back ok?

:) 3 cheers for Caleb!! For he's a jolly good fellow!


Hi all,

Please pray Caleb get well soon. Still got lot of dogs to photograph here, both for lesiure and for work.

Olso pray for Caleb's dad, they are already saved by God's grace, hope Mr Cheong will be find strength and comfort in times of doubt, grief and uncertainty.

Take care and get well soon. May our prayers and incense be answered by GOD in HIS own way and time.

Winston said:
Latest from STNews,4390,211303,00.html?

"THE Singaporean driver involved in last Saturday's car crash in the south-west American state of Colorado has been charged with causing the deaths of two Americans and his wife, as well as injuring his son.

Mr Cheong Mun Sang, 58, is scheduled to appear at a county courthouse later next month, state police said.

They suspect the accident was caused by driver fatigue.

Mr Cheong had been driving for about eight hours on Saturday when his Ford Expedition ran off his lane onto oncoming traffic at about 4 pm. He managed to swerve back into his lane but the vehicle spun and was hit by an oncoming car.

His wife, Doreen, 58, died from the crash. The American couple in the other vehicle also died. The Cheongs' 28-year-old son Calebis now at a Colorado Springs hospital after surgery to remove a blood clot in his head.

A special prayer session was held by Singapore friends and colleagues at Woodlands Evangelical Free Church on Wednesday night for the family, who are devout Christians."

Double tragedy!! it seems that not only did Calebis lose his mother, it appears that now they are charging his father for causing the accident.
Cause of crash = Driver fatigue.


Take care Caleb!

Although I do not know you personally, but we are one in Christ.

"Who shall separate us froom the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?...Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him that loved us. For I am persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."

Romans 8: 35, 37-39.

May the Lord grant you grace, Caleb to see His higher purpose in all these happenings and comfort your family.

Dear Caleb,

Know that Our Lord is Our Shepherd (Psa 23). He will lead you and your family thru this trying time. May His Peace be upon you and your family.



Deepest sympathies to Caleb and his family,

i wish u the speediest recovery and i hope u will become stronger and find the strength to live on...
i may not know u personally, but as a fellow CSer, i can really relate myself to this tragedy.

my buddy's cycling fren was killed too 2-3 weeks ago...Mr. Alvin Boey of NTU...
as a fellow cyclist, i really feel the pain as well...

dear caleb

sorry abt the late wishes.
Been busy for the week till i saw the newspaper abt the accident on wed.

Would like to send my condolences to your family members and wish that you will get well soon

God's :angel: will be there for you whenever you need him :)


Latest news flash from

Friday 26 Sep - Praise God! Caleb is now taken off the respirator and is breathing on his own. He can open his eyes and respond when called - only for short periods of time probably because he is still being sedated (with milder dose). He is not yet speaking. Ask God to help him with the pain so that the doctors do not need to give him sedatives. Ask God for complete healing.


Yippee!!! Our prayers have been answered!!!!!!!

Come on Caleb!!! You'll be fine in no time!!!

:cheergal: :cheergal: :cheergal:

Psalms 118:1:Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good and his loyal love endures!

Amen! The Lord is faithful and good.

Brother Caleb.
My son, give attention to my words; Incline your ear to my sayings.
Do not let them depart from your eyes; Keep them in the midst of your heart;For they are life to those who find them, And health to all their flesh.

Proverbs 4:20-22

Brother Mun San and Brother Joshua
My brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.
Ephesians 6:10

We may have questions about this and that. Brethen, we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28)

Be strong and take courage.

To Caleb and the Cheong family,

My sincere wishes for his recovery
I will be praying for you and your family.

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