G11 and S90 Arrival and Prices in SINGAPORE !!!!!

Well, noise performance should go up with the drop in MP

$799 nett at MS Color cash ....... just was there tonight..... should be getting it this weekend

they give an 8g card and some kind of pouch or cleaning kit

$799 for S90? That's quite ex compared to prices in US and HK... If I were to buy it in HK, will the shop issue international warranty?

Just brought G11 for S$795 from OP, only free a 8Gb SD card.

wah .......now with the GF-1 priced a few hundred $ away from the G11 ......... I'm in 2 minds about the G11

Any S90 vs LX3 comparison?

There are a few threads on dpreview forums. Do a search.

However the S90 is still not out yet in Sg.

The comparison might not be "fair" as you correctly pointed out, S90 is not out yet. I hope to get either 1 before my trip next month. ;p

The comparison might not be "fair" as you correctly pointed out, S90 is not out yet. I hope to get either 1 before my trip next month. ;p
I'm trying my best to wait patiently too, but what I find annoying is due to the absolute lack of info on this camera here, coz I've been asking around the usual local shops abt availability and pricing and all they can say is "not yet in, we are not sure when coming, check back later". So not to get ur hopes too high, it may be even Nov b4 the first sets start to arrive. BTW did you pre-order anywhere? I was thinking of holding till the pricing reveal (its selling estimate abt USD $440 in the States which translate to around $600+ in SGD - but suspect locally it will be btw $650 - $699 shop pricing)

Having read the user reviews on dpreview all I can say is I am pretty stoked abt this cam...it could be an ideal street photography cam due to its small size and indiscreet looks, and good hi ISO performance.

I'm trying my best to wait patiently too, but what I find annoying is due to the absolute lack of info on this camera here, coz I've been asking around the usual local shops abt availability and pricing and all they can say is "not yet in, we are not sure when coming, check back later". So not to get ur hopes too high, it may be even Nov b4 the first sets start to arrive. BTW did you pre-order anywhere? I was thinking of holding till the pricing reveal (its selling estimate abt USD $440 in the States which translate to around $600+ in SGD - but suspect locally it will be btw $650 - $699 shop pricing)

Having read the user reviews on dpreview all I can say is I am pretty stoked abt this cam...it could be an ideal street photography cam due to its small size and indiscreet looks, and good hi ISO performance.

Haha... sama sama, I try calling the shops too but no luck. Same for the 15-85mm lens, no luck on that too. Looks like Canon is playing "hard ball" this time round. I didn't pre-order cos I want to be cautious in my decision. There's a lot of good reviews on LX3 so if I can wait, I will. At most, bring my trusty 40D along for my trip. :bsmilie:

this is really no time to play the shy maiden ...... the G11 is sitting in a very tight niche where if priced a little too high, it could come inbto close contact with the GF1 or EP-1 from price point.

at $790-800 i will not touch the G11 ..... just pay a little more and i get a m4/3 with prime

this is really no time to play the shy maiden ...... the G11 is sitting in a very tight niche where if priced a little too high, it could come inbto close contact with the GF1 or EP-1 from price point.

at $790-800 i will not touch the G11 ..... just pay a little more and i get a m4/3 with prime

Only to we hobbiest's end. For those family cameras with a mind for quality, the 1 solution point and shoot might still be a pick.

This yes and no.s will go on and on...... but my fair justification between the M4/3s and G11 -> G11 won't cause me another set of M4/3 lens craze, since they can mount almost all lenses with aperture rings.

I have been a follower of the G series since the G9 :p,
Can't wait to try some hands on experience before deciding ahahaha

Just spoke with M S Color this morning and was told they're expecting the S90 hopefully sometime next week & it'll cost around $799.

That seriously doesn't sound right to me.

I'll be really unhappy if the S90 cost more than the LX3 in Singapore.

Anyone else got any more info?

Just spoke with M S Color this morning and was told they're expecting the S90 hopefully sometime next week & it'll cost around $799.

That seriously doesn't sound right to me.

I'll be really unhappy if the S90 cost more than the LX3 in Singapore.

Anyone else got any more info?

I will be a bit unhappy too, but IMHO, Canon always price their camera slightly expensive. But again, difficult to compare side by side. S90 with longer zoom' LX3 with HD... many more comparison.

Just spoke with M S Color this morning and was told they're expecting the S90 hopefully sometime next week & it'll cost around $799.

That seriously doesn't sound right to me.

I'll be really unhappy if the S90 cost more than the LX3 in Singapore.

Anyone else got any more info?

Given that US priced it at $440, S$799 is a tad ex.

Alan Photo says probably end of this month, but I didn't ask about price.

Just spoke with M S Color this morning and was told they're expecting the S90 hopefully sometime next week & it'll cost around $799.

That seriously doesn't sound right to me.

I'll be really unhappy if the S90 cost more than the LX3 in Singapore.

Anyone else got any more info?
What the....nuts lar! :confused: $799 is the G11 pricing leh! Think the person must've made a mistake or something! At most it should be ard $699. (hopefully lower tho)

What the....nuts lar! :confused: $799 is the G11 pricing leh! Think the person must've made a mistake or something! At most it should be ard $699. (hopefully lower tho)

Given that US priced it at $440, S$799 is a tad ex.

Alan Photo says probably end of this month, but I didn't ask about price.

You're both right. There's no reason why S90 should cost more than an LX3. The U.S. RRP for the S90 is $429.99 and the LX3 is $499.95.

When the guy told me the S90 is S$799 I mentioned exactly that fact and he said I can't compare the RRP in U.S. to Singapore.

So I said if he's sure it's going to be that expensive, I'll buy the LX3 instead. He then mentioned the LX3 is out of stock and they won't be getting anymore in because they expect the CANON S90 to replace the PANASONIC LX3.

All that just sounds very questionable to me. I need a new point & shoot soon and now I'm more confused than ever before. I should have tried to hunt down an S90 while I was in NYC last week... Damn.