FurryPhotos - Pet Portraiture/Pictures

This cat was a stray in NUS. She has now been rescued and sterilised and being cared for in a foster home. She has no name as yet but I call her Miso. She is very affectionate towards people but does demand quite a bit of attention.


Next up is my GF's kitten. This shot serves as a reminder that inside, all cats think big. Kinda resembles those hunting cheetahs running after prey.


I think that kitten is absolutely CUTE! And the photo is superb (as always from you).. =)

Can I have it (the kitten)? Please please please? :bsmilie: :bsmilie:

You have to fight my gf and her sister for it ;p She was hand raised since she was found abandoned as a day old kitten.

2 cats for adoption over at Mutts and Mittens (www.muttsnmittens.com) they are both very manja but MUST be adopted together.

Ophelia(left female) and Othello(male)

Do pay a visit at 11 Pasir Ris Farmway 2 if you would like to adopt.

need some C&C...

thats my boy...

pls be harsh ya? so that i can improve :)




In all 3 pictures I like the eye level perspective and the overall composition. The background for the first pic is a little on the messy side though. You tend to centralise your subject a little too much try keeping your dogs face a little to one side in horzontal format pics but if you want to go for a smack center approach your eyes must REALLY grab attention.
This brings me to the lighting. lighting wise for all 3 its a little too flat for me. #1 is pretty good but the straight top down lighting on #2 and 3 make your dog look a little dull plus they all look a underexposed on my LCD. Remember that your dog has fur covering his eyes so they will tend to cast shadows either add in a fill flash to create some sparkle or position him in such a way to catch the light in is eyes naturally.

Overall pose wise #3 has the most potential. Remember ideally portraits (this is what this thread is about) should not just capture the face or image but the character of the dog. His confident expression along with that bone shows more personality to me that the first 2 shots. If you want more tips you can pick up this months copy of photovideoi (I only browsed though but it looked informative).

hmmm can enlighten me more about flat lighting?

I can see you are shooting ambient light which is mainly the lights from your house right? This will tend to cast shadows under the eyes of dogs like yours because its directly overhead. Perhaps I used the term flat wrongly since it means that the lighting dosent give the '3D' look to the dog. The main problem now is just the lack of catch lights in the dogs eyes to give it that 'life' :)


My lovely cats...

Pretty nicely taken shot here. Only small nit picks with the half green/wicker background and the blown highlights (no fur detail). Both look like they were sleeping when you took the shot :D

Eh thanks for the compliment, ya, wish it could be better, still working hard at producing better works. Stay in touch:D

Some more shots form Mutts and Mittens www.muttsnmittens.com.

Bobby - A sweet black cocker up for adoption. He was rescued from a home that did not take care of him properly. They took him in when he was skin and bones but has put on lots of weight now. he still is under going treatment for skin problems but his playful personality is addictive :)

One of the cats staying at the cattery obliging for a quick portrait.

Some more shots taken over the weekend.

Miso, a rescued stray. She is really growing up to be a beautiful cat.

Next few shots are taken at pet movers dog run.

One happy Schnauzer.

Intimidation - There is some motion blur on this but I thought the expressions was good enough to make it a keeper.

My favourite shot from the day. Profiles are hard to shoot.

Thanks for viewing :)

I like this one too but I'm afraid you got the wrong interpretation of the body language. The little fella is in a submissive position; head low and ears down. And the older dog is obviously in a dominating stance and stare.;)

I love this one...
Courageous Little Fella!