Full Frame

hi TS

perhaps you can ask yourself what do you shoot.

i heard sayings that the larger the sensor or film, the better the tonality... and hence many said this is good for landscape and portraits..

as for this tonality stuff, i have yet to be very convinced by it..

i did asked Adam Burton, who is a very successful and famous landscape photographer, he said you only notice the difference when you print big.

anyway, i think photography is kind of like art, there is no right or wrong.. :)

lol. it's your money leh. ask us for what.

as long as you feel song.. just get.

Hi all,
do you think it's worth to get a full frame camera if you know you won't make money out of it?

your 2 cents.thanks

I think its worth it. because its what i want and its what makes me feel happy.

I would rather save the money for full frame to buy a few inflatable crocodiles and release them in Punggol Beach and watch how swimmers react to them:

Afew or dozens. lol..

Just do it! Buy a pair of Nike too on your way back.

....since switching to FF, I have earned the respect of fellow photographers ...... XMMs snuggle up to me wanting to see my pics ..........job assignments start to pour in ........ Yup...... FF has been good to me ......... :p

....since switching to FF, I have earned the respect of fellow photographers ...... XMMs snuggle up to me wanting to see my pics ..........job assignments start to pour in ........ Yup...... FF has been good to me ......... :p

i also FF why no xmm snuggle with me. :(

Let me start by saying that not only full frame but any current dslr would kick d60 right in the crown jewels in terms of picture quality, metering, ISO, focus/processing speed etc. I remember comparing friends d60 and a d90. It was a MASSIVE difference.
So anything you pick up will be a VERY good upgrade for you. Full frame is an obvious choice if you are an available light shooter or do portraits/landscapes a lot.

Do keep in mind though, that not only the body but the FX lenses are pretty pricey. Unless you are willing to go the prime way, some of which are not cheap either.
All this increases the bulk as well.

I am planning to get a d700, 85mm 1.8g/d and 20mm2.8. Keep a good compact(ish) prosumer PnS handy for the rest(using fuji x10).

PS - bugger the nikon announcement! When is that silly d800 going to come out? need a price drop on d700 and need it quick :angry:

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I have both ff and crop body. Although it was said that the newer crop body can do well in low light, you can still see a significant differences in the noise level and iq. FF is superior in term of low light. I usually put my 70-200 or 105mm macro on crop body for extra 1.5x magnification, and ff for indoor or dim environment when flash is not used.

Apart from the magnification and price, ff still the best. My take is go for it if you can afford.

....since switching to FF, I have earned the respect of fellow photographers ...... XMMs snuggle up to me wanting to see my pics ..........job assignments start to pour in ........ Yup...... FF has been good to me ......... :p

i also want that experience... :p

Since u were saying rubber band..
gosh.. i dontknow whats happening nowadays.. or isit for any purpose i didnt know.. Saw afew Canon users already doing this (They put a red rubber band infront their Lens. Apparantly..those lens arent L lenses) I was puzzled...

....wah piangz ........ Red denotes danger ..... no wonder they all shun you .......... haha

Most people buy on what they WANT, that is what consumerism is about. :)

true.. if everyone only buy what they need, luxury goods wun sell..

i also want that experience... :p

why would a ger wan other XMMs to snuggle up to her?

FF will earns u bragging right, never mind ur photo skill since no one will notice if u don't post :)

LOL.. true true.. or even if you post, people automatically feels that your photos are nicer (psychological effect) :bsmilie:

So.. FF gives you nicer colours, sharper photos, more accurate AF or what, as opposed to APS-C. If TS upgrades to FF and at his current level, what difference should he expect to see?