Fuji X10 Images thread


hjbyeo said:
Another night image to share.

Title : Customary Test Shot


This is a Customary test shot that I do for all my new lens/cams. :bsmilie: Did some edits in LR3 to rescue some details, auto-levels, some resizing/borders in Photoshop, apply NR before uploading to Flickr from LR3. It's about a 13 secs exposure, ISO 100, 28mm, f5.6 on Velvia film simulation settings.

Can get 13s? I was trying and the max was 2 seconds. Is it 1/13 or 13 seconds? Thanks.

Can get 13s? I was trying and the max was 2 seconds. Is it 1/13 or 13 seconds? Thanks.

No, it's 13secs. Check your AE - make sure it's not SPOT. And I shot this in Manual mode. Enjoy the cam. Love it to bits! Just waiting for a really nice Leather half-case to match this wonderfully designed camera. :angel:

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I like the sun! I haven't check the EXIF, but is this shot with the smallest aperture? Any filters used?

Thanks hjbyeo.
EXIF: 1/600s, f5.6, ExpComp -2.33, ISO 100, no filters.
This was shot in Xian, China, 23 Dec 2011.

No, it's 13secs. Check your AE - make sure it's not SPOT. And I shot this in Manual mode. Enjoy the cam. Love it to bits! Just waiting for a really nice Leather half-case to match this wonderfully designed camera. :angel:

It's not the AE. I changed that around a few times from multi to average and to spot. I had a hunch it might then be the DR. It was at 400% and when I changed it to 100%, I was able to increase it to 15 seconds.

Oly5050 said:
It's not the AE. I changed that around a few times from multi to average and to spot. I had a hunch it might then be the DR. It was at 400% and when I changed it to 100%, I was able to increase it to 15 seconds.

Try ISO 100.


I'm wearing Barbie glasses.
Exif: Focal Length: 7.9mm, f/2.2, 1/55s, ISO 100, +0.67 EV, Aperture-priority mode

You can view here: flickr

Got x10 for travel/street stuff. It blows my d90+18-105 out of the water in terms of general versatility and discreetness. Now I keep a prime on my d90 and use x10 for everything else!

Why aren't we there yet! by SnapCroc, on Flickr

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Exif: Focal Length: 28.4mm, f/2.8, 1/60s, ISO 400, Aperture-priority mode

You can view here: flickr

All shot in available light which was quite dim to preserve these antiques. Straight from the X10, no PP.





not sure if it is WOLS, but it is possible to use the X10 in studio fotography.

just tried it this afternoon.

set the External Flash to 'ON' and just connect the flash trigger.




the camera works fine and of course the sharpness cannot be compared to a good quality lens in a DSLR.

the quality is sufficient.

as it does not have a shutter system, thus the flash sync speed can be set to very high.

i tried it up to 1/640s and at f11. but sadly, i've no time to push it further. perhaps will try it again soon.

very decent camera for the price.

Well done cheesecake!

i've a few more to share...

i'm a big fan of Zhang Hui Mei and i went to her concert last Saturday.
however, i'm seated quite far from the main stage due to my slowness in getting the tix. sad. =(

anyway, truth be said, my X10 is bought specially to shoot some pictures of Zhang Hui Mei 'live' in the SIS.

the camera din't disappoint. the following are some fotos i captured on that fateful evening.

pardon me for the poor quality of the photos...






using Aperture priority mode mainly, until around halfway into the concert, then i change over to Manual mode as I feel that the camera cannot correctly set the exposure.

some are in ISO1600 and the rest are ISO100 - 400.

the high ISO performance (1600) is impressive for a camera with a small sensor.