Freelance Assistant Position


New Member
Apr 7, 2008
Hi everyone,

I have a position open for freelance photography assistant, and would like to find someone who's :

- Punctual
- Willing to learn
- Proactive
- Has experience handling studio equipment
- Is interested in photography and preferably shoots as well

Please email me with your prior experience and a short blurb (less than 50 words) why I would like to work with you. I pay pretty decently (definitely way surpasses that other dude's $5 an hour), so I would expect someone of a certain standard and no less.

I can be contacted at

Thanks very much, hope to hear from some of you soon.

Hi all,

As an update, since I've been getting a lot of people who don't understand / don't care about the requirements that I posted.

Once again, please don't email me about wanting the job even though you have no experience whatsoever, and your only claim to wanting to assist is because you had the money to buy a DSLR, shoot clubsnap models and want to learn more. I'm not running a charity. I can't afford to pay you so that I can teach you. If you think that doesn't make sense, please let me know, and I would like YOU to pay ME to teach me how to shoot clubsnap models.

If you don't have much experience but still want to try out, at least give me a better alternative proposal than me having to pay you full rates to teach you.

Also, please note that this isn't a weekend position. I apologise if I didn't state that clearly. Even though this is a freelance position, it doesn't equate to holiday or weekend job to pass the time.

I'm looking for someone serious about their craft, who have a good eye for it, and want to learn more and push themselves further. Of course, in order to qualify to be paid full rates, you'll need experience with studio lighting and equipment and having done shoots on set (preferably professional shoots, not "my friend set up lights in his house and I fired off a few shots"). If you don't feel you have the relevant experience, give me an alternative proposal as to how it might work.

Thanks very much, and please, I really need you guys to use your discretion and some common sense when replying. There's no free lunch in this world, so please stop expecting handouts. It's getting really tiring. If I can't find anyone decent with some common sense as to how the job works I might have to look somewhere else. This forum is clearly lacking thus far.

I juz had free lunch today :)

how about me irvinsky? ME ME ME!