For those who are married

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the make up alone gonna take the entire shoot duration. :thumbsup:

tell her to reply;

sure, you want a bikini shot? i refer you to my husband, he takes very nice portraits.. but he must screen your modelling portfolio first. :bsmilie:

they emo because you alienated them from their models and their wives/gfs
they need you to help them


i can da bao cats for them to shoot.

nude all the time, 24/7

from whatever angle you look at it, it is still a pussy. saves so much trouble of having to tell models things that make them emo.. :bsmilie:

tell her to reply;

sure, you want a bikini shot? i refer you to my husband, he takes very nice portraits.. but he must screen your modelling portfolio first. :bsmilie:

that was a few years back already. think only melvinho is still keen to shoot her now.

or the highly flammable wet fart.

to quote ms ris low ... BOOM!

i am still wondering if she said BOOBS or BOOMS

in any case, both are quite funny. but booms is less funny, because it makes slight sense. :bsmilie:

that was a few years back already. think only melvinho is still keen to shoot her now.

Yes.. pregnant women are beautiful.. remember I also have the first rights to do a TFCD with your unborn daughter.

did her whole interview make any sense to begin with? :think:

i'm not exactly sure, i was given the link by someone claiming that it was very amusing

so i opened it with the thought that i should be prepared to be amused, so didn't think if it made any sense. :angel:

i'm not exactly sure, i was given the link by someone claiming that it was very amusing

so i opened it with the thought that i should be prepared to be amused, so didn't think if it made any sense. :angel:

the amusement comes from the intepretation!

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