Flexible photograpy lessons

true true. Ageee to that. And i actually did eat grass for the last week before my payday after i got my dslr lol. It was a sucky feeling lol.

Well, don't do it too often or else you'll fly away when there is a slight breeze... :bsmilie: No worries, D90 will satisfy your photographic desires for a very long time - just take good care of it (slight mainenance, keep in dry cab, bring it out for "exercise" often).

For bugs, frankly I love taking butterflies when I can (although not a lot of opportunies). I find them very colourful, interesting subjects, especially when they are going about with their business (busy sucking up nectars, etc).

My recent noob butterfly shoot (just a stroll-along and saw an opportunity):

Heavily cropped, and pretty far away from where I was standing... Noisy image... :bsmilie:

kriegsketten said:
Well, don't do it too often or else you'll fly away when there is a slight breeze... :bsmilie: No worries, D90 will satisfy your photographic desires for a very long time - just take good care of it (slight mainenance, keep in dry cab, bring it out for "exercise" often).

Lol true. I play with it as much as i can in my off days. I think i need more creativity. I wanted to upload a pic but im still having problems with it.

kriegsketten said:
My recent noob butterfly shoot (just a stroll-along and saw an opportunity):

Heavily cropped, and pretty far away from where I was standing... Noisy image... :bsmilie:

Thats really pretty. The colours are well balanced :)

Lol true. I play with it as much as i can in my off days. I think i need more creativity. I wanted to upload a pic but im still having problems with it.

Hmmmm... I didn't think uploading a pic would be that problematic. Maybe you've missed something. Once you've overcome it, the problem is history. I wonder what problems you are actually facing... Are you trying to upload it on your phone?

Another pic to share... weird but interesting flower (NEVER seen it before, and I'm no botanist!)

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kriegsketten said:
Hmmmm... I didn't think uploading a pic would be that problematic. Maybe you've missed something. Once you've overcome it, the problem is history. I wonder what problems you are actually facing... Are you trying to upload it on your phone?

Another pic to share... weird but interesting flower (NEVER seen it before, and I'm no botanist!)

And that is a weird looking flower lol. Im trying to upload from my pc. And now im at work. Boring.....

Okay, lets try this again....

1) go to your flicker image, and try to find the "Grab the HTML/BBCode" section. Pick the size you want first from the drop down list below (for me I'd select HTML). Then... notice that when you try to select the HTML codes, it highlights the entire string of codes... (used to be that when you click on the codes, you can select only those areas you want to copy, now they've changed that). Nevermind, just click on the code, and then use arrow keys to get to the codes after img src = ".... The string of codes you want should start with http://farmxxxxxxxxxxxx... and ends with .jpg. You need to use the "shift" + "arrow" keys to highlight the portion you want. Make sure the entire string doesn't have the opening and closing quotation marks included.

2) Copy that string....

3) then come over CS, click on "insert image" icon above your text box and paste the string of codes you've just copied from flicker into the given "Please enter the URL of your image:" text box (paste over the included "http://" text inside the box). Then post.

Just check to make sure that inside your
tag should start with just http://.... and ends with .jpg with no quotation marks at the front or back...

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Any chance to try it out yet? Or are you still recovering from your zombiefied mode? :bsmilie:

kriegsketten said:
Any chance to try it out yet? Or are you still recovering from your zombiefied mode? :bsmilie:

Not really. Just woke up and replying from my iphone. Yawnz. And i got off today. So im still rolling around in bed lol!!!

Not really. Just woke up and replying from my iphone. Yawnz. And i got off today. So im still rolling around in bed lol!!!

My goodness! You want to become human-sized Ngo-Hiong isit? To roll around like dat... :bsmilie:

kriegsketten said:
My goodness! You want to become human-sized Ngo-Hiong isit? To roll around like dat... :bsmilie:

Lol hahaha!!! The weather is so nice, and i have no plans. Rolling around is awesome. You should try lol.

Lol hahaha!!! The weather is so nice, and i have no plans. Rolling around is awesome. You should try lol.

Me?? Sorry I prefer not to waste precious free time... lol... Feel like going out after lunch to go around shoot shoot... Charging up bat now! Woohoo!

kriegsketten said:
Me?? Sorry I prefer not to waste precious free time... lol... Feel like going out after lunch to go around shoot shoot... Charging up bat now! Woohoo!

Im done rolling. Gonna shower soon. Shooting was my initial idea too. Since u going for a casual shoot can i join lol!

Im done rolling. Gonna shower soon. Shooting was my initial idea too. Since u going for a casual shoot can i join lol!

Sure! Pm me your contact details... Can ask any of your friends to come along if you want. Thinking of heading to lil India... But it will be sometime around 3 yish okay? I gather lunch will be a late one...

kriegsketten said:
Sure! Pm me your contact details... Can ask any of your friends to come along if you want. Thinking of heading to lil India... But it will be sometime around 3 yish okay? I gather lunch will be a late one...

3 ish sounds fine. Enough time for me to do my chores. And my friends not interested to join this kind of thing lol. I'll pm u asap.

Okay, lets try this again....

1) go to your flicker image, and try to find the "Grab the HTML/BBCode" section. Pick the size you want first from the drop down list below (for me I'd select HTML). Then... notice that when you try to select the HTML codes, it highlights the entire string of codes... (used to be that when you click on the codes, you can select only those areas you want to copy, now they've changed that). Nevermind, just click on the code, and then use arrow keys to get to the codes after img src = ".... The string of codes you want should start with http://farmxxxxxxxxxxxx... and ends with .jpg. You need to use the "shift" + "arrow" keys to highlight the portion you want. Make sure the entire string doesn't have the opening and closing quotation marks included.

2) Copy that string....

3) then come over CS, click on "insert image" icon above your text box and paste the string of codes you've just copied from flicker into the given "Please enter the URL of your image:" text box (paste over the included "http://" text inside the box). Then post.

Just check to make sure that inside your
tag should start with just http://.... and ends with .jpg with no quotation marks at the front or back...


ok i've got it!!! thanks krieg!!

ok this MBS pic was one of the first shots with my d90. all i did was added a little more blue to the picture. i really love MBS. cant wait to get night shots of them.


ok i've got it!!! thanks krieg!!

ok this MBS pic was one of the first shots with my d90. all i did was added a little more blue to the picture. i really love MBS. cant wait to get night shots of them.

Nice angle and colours! :) Glad it finally worked for you.