F1 - Whats up with Williams F1? The end?

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afbug said:
I will train the racequeens to be my pit crew. :bsmilie: Driver will love going to the pits!

Ferrari team boss leh! Rich man. Many girls will want to ride in a Ferrari. But he is real ugly. :eek:

You will train?? Dare I ask what the training might be heheheh......

I have nothing again Jean Todt. More Power to himif any lady would want to ride a ferrari with him or on him! heheh... Michelle is just....well okay maybe weird is not the right choice of word here. I just thought of it...but I better censor myself hehehe. I use to think higher of her...but with her two divorces ( was it? ) I guess she is looking out for her jackpot nest egg.

Hey Jean Todt if you see this!..For as long as you can get "it". Get your money's worth!!!!... You the MAN!!!! :bsmilie:

But on the other hand..... you guys know Michelle got to know Jean at last year China F1 race right? And Ferrari has been going down hill from then on heh....case of a distracted team manager? heheh

sammy888 said:
But on the other hand..... you guys know Michelle got to know Jean at last year China F1 race right? And Ferrari has been going down hill from then on heh....case of a distracted team manager? heheh

:bsmilie: Think we shld leave their private life alone, but looks like she indeed brought the "jinx" into Ferrari.

Well, Ferrari not been competitive this yr was really a let down. So much for the last yr champ driver/constructor. The tides turn damn fast in F1. I'm sure bridgestone has a part to be blame.

By the way, any more news of the 2 wheeler Rossi coming into F1?

From the Straits Time: Red Bull had bought over Minardi. :think:

damian77 said:
By the way, any more news of the 2 wheeler Rossi coming into F1?

From a two to a four wheel is not that simple. I think the motorcycle racing fan would hate to lose Rossi. And he only did like a stint with the F1 gig...even if he has potential, it would take some time for him to get podium finishes.

I am treating this news in the same way as news broke out just abut the time 2004 F1 ended where it was mentioned former world F1 champion Mika Hakkinen might be making a comeback heh..

It would be interesting to see what monkeyboy rossi could stir up with F1 heheh....maybe we got ourselves another Sato heheheheh....

damian77 said:
:bsmilie: Think we shld leave their private life alone, but looks like she indeed brought the "jinx" into Ferrari.

Well, Ferrari not been competitive this yr was really a let down. So much for the last yr champ driver/constructor. The tides turn damn fast in F1. I'm sure bridgestone has a part to be blame.

By the way, any more news of the 2 wheeler Rossi coming into F1?

Well there's lots of rumors saying Rossi will come to F1 by the year of 2007, as his contract ends at 2006, so do Ferrai's Shummi? Would be nice if he can jump over to F1 and crown the champ!!

Err....last year Ferrai have been very competitive...but it's really a big changes to them... is it because of tyre issue? F2005 not good enuff? Or the Jinx brought them trouble!! :devil:

sammy888 said:
From a two to a four wheel is not that simple. I think the motorcycle racing fan would hate to lose Rossi. And he only did like a stint with the F1 gig...even if he has potential, it would take some time for him to get podium finishes.

I am treating this news in the same way as news broke out just abut the time 2004 F1 ended where it was mentioned former world F1 champion Mika Hakkinen might be making a comeback heh..

It would be interesting to see what monkeyboy rossi could stir up with F1 heheh....maybe we got ourselves another Sato heheheheh....

Sato was from Moto racing too? Well..the fans over there would definitely hate it if he really jump over to F1, but we would love it... :rolleyes:

But they had already mentioned that Rossi will test drive aka play with Ferrari's F1 more frequently next year.

They have just confirmed the BAR will drop Sato out..so sad for him. But next year it would be nice to see Rubens and Button in Honda tho...

sammy888 said:
I am treating this news in the same way as news broke out just abut the time 2004 F1 ended where it was mentioned former world F1 champion Mika Hakkinen might be making a comeback heh.

Look at Jacques Villeneuve now. Please don't. :bsmilie:

The greatest sports come back I can remember is Michael Jordan going back to the Bulls & winning a 2 3peat. He's 2nd comeback was a disaster tho". :sweat:

Flyingpig said:
Sato was from Moto racing too? Well..the fans over there would definitely hate it if he really jump over to F1, but we would love it... :rolleyes:

But they had already mentioned that Rossi will test drive aka play with Ferrari's F1 more frequently next year.

Well whatever it may be....we will stay tune heheh...as much as I hate all the changes taking place sometimes...I am still glued to watching F1 every year heheh. There is just something about looking at a super charge slick looking car going really really really fast. I remember going to the first F1 race at Sepang when the new track opened. Man...almost went deaf!~ heheh....not just the speed but hell...those engines really rev like a bit"h heeee....nothing like it.

When will we be able to get rid of Benny!!!! heheheh....He is getting way to rich!!!..

damian77 said:
Look at Jacques Villeneuve now. Please don't. :bsmilie:

The greatest sports come back I can remember is Michael Jordan going back to the Bulls & winning a 2 3peat. He's 2nd comeback was a disaster tho". :sweat:

hahah.....same wave length man!..

I was about to mentioned Jacques...hehe...well in he come back and out he will go...

Flyingpig said:
They have just confirmed the BAR will drop Sato out..so sad for him. But next year it would be nice to see Rubens and Button in Honda tho...

Upz for Rubens. Team player & a great driver. Given the the right car setup he can really perform quite well. Sometimes I really feel that Ferrari is mistreating him. Still remember the "team order" frm the Austria race. Sometimes funny fuel strategy. :confused:

damian77 said:
Upz for Rubens. Team player & a great driver. Given the the right car setup he can really perform quite well. Sometimes I really feel that Ferrari is mistreating him. Still remember the "team order" frm the Austria race. Sometimes funny fuel strategy. :confused:

Ah...you forgot all round nice guy too. heh.. I have been in his cheering camp for a number of years now. He is the most well tempered co-driver you can have to back you up. But he deserve to try for the number one spot for sure. He deserve and if he has the right car and backing behind him..he can. He did not get second placing last year for nothing. :)

Been to Sepang F1 earlier this year. Apart from the "live" sounds of the engines :thumbsup: , and the heat of the atmosphere, I'd rather watch from the comfort of my living room. The traffic control and parking there is horrible!

Flyingpig said:
It's really hard to say lo... 1.6L 4 Cylinder is possible! :sweatsm: If i'm not wrong the tickets price is kinda high yeah? Btw did anyone watch F1 Sepang before?

Who will u think will win at Interlagos?


Do you watched last years race...its a hoooooyaaaaaaaaaaa.......all cars went crashing. And the best part, they gave the throphy to the wrong winner. Poor Fisi.

huggable said:
Been to Sepang F1 earlier this year. Apart from the "live" sounds of the engines :thumbsup: , and the heat of the atmosphere, I'd rather watch from the comfort of my living room. The traffic control and parking there is horrible!

Oh wow..... :what:

Joe N.M said:
Who will u think will win at Interlagos?


Do you watched last years race...its a hoooooyaaaaaaaaaaa.......all cars went crashing. And the best part, they gave the throphy to the wrong winner. Poor Fisi.

Yeap, i called that the "true" race :bsmilie:

Pitting for tyres, spinnings, crashing. Even Jordon driver, Narian is fighting with Jacques at a moment. It's was great.

damian77 said:
Upz for Rubens. Team player & a great driver. Given the the right car setup he can really perform quite well. Sometimes I really feel that Ferrari is mistreating him. Still remember the "team order" frm the Austria race. Sometimes funny fuel strategy. :confused:

Yes that's very very bad during the Austria race :thumbsd:, no wonder they said no team orders is allowed..:bsmilie: . Well you can't really put someone like Sato or Kimi to team with Shummi. Cuz the team will definitely treat Shummi better.

huggable said:
Been to Sepang F1 earlier this year. Apart from the "live" sounds of the engines :thumbsup: , and the heat of the atmosphere, I'd rather watch from the comfort of my living room. The traffic control and parking there is horrible!

I have been to Sepang twice and I can say that ..... not so bad except for the hot weather. Maybe you went there when the race is almost starting and depart when the race is over. Well it will be like "rush hour" madness if you make a move at those timings.

I once sat at "F" area, and that is the area where the cars are nearest to the spectators. When they changed their gears, its like firing the M16 minus the echo. Its sure deafening but enjoyable.

Anybody going next year?

I was at the covered grass area, actually came prepared with field chair, drinks, tit-bits, and camera. But from that place, I could only see a few turns of the circuit. Had to rely on the commentator to know the start of the race even.

Decided to leave before the end of the race, to avoid the jam. But my car was blocked by some inconsiderate M'sian cars. Had to wait for the race to finish (at the carpark), and was made to detour to the Sepang airport cargo terminal. Took me 4 hours to get to the golden triangle, where our hotel was. Doesn't help that I had a pregnant wife who was complaining about the air-con not being cold, as the car was stationary most of the time! My 1st and last trip to Sepang F1. :nono:

Joe N.M said:
Who will u think will win at Interlagos?


Let's see:

Kimi: From the recent trend, gota a feeling his going to have a engine change.
Alonso: Not on form now but always lucky.
Montoya: Recent form quite good but may be plaque by silly mistakes
Fisi: The jinx in Renault

But I do hope Kimi win though, & Alonso retire. :bsmilie: It will bring the driver champ race back to Asia.

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