EXPOSE yourself - XCII

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Bbb, I'm thinking of buying a few more filter.

hohoho.. almost bought the LEE mutli filter pouch.. :sweat:

Stay at TK too long until no time to go Cathay buy Spyder express3 ...

wa, how much

they have for p series right, i just wonder if they scratch easily

but then again, everytime i think of buying filters, i think about how i can scratch 10 tianya filters and replace them before i get one x hi-tech (or even more than 10)... then i bbb tianya again. :embrass:

lol.. Bot one GND Soft 0.9 at $90 and 1 ND 1.2 at $60.. Hmm.. ok lo.. plastic think scratches are unavoidable one, even my Lee filters are full lof sratches..unlike glass where its easier to maintain.. LOL..

If strike lottery, i go BBB Singh Ray le... :devil:

Ok price revealed.. Think u can scratch more than 10 tianya filters :bsmilie:

lol.. Bot one GND Soft 0.9 at $90 and 1 ND 1.2 at $60.. Hmm.. ok lo.. plastic think scratches are unavoidable one, even my Lee filters are full lof sratches..unlike glass where its easier to maintain.. LOL..

If strike lottery, i go BBB Singh Ray le... :devil:

Ok price revealed.. Think u can scratch more than 10 tianya filters :bsmilie:


but yours is the big big z series one right...

mine might be cheaper, i use p series.

unless they don't have for p series :bigeyes::bheart:

lol.. Bot one GND Soft 0.9 at $90 and 1 ND 1.2 at $60.. Hmm.. ok lo.. plastic think scratches are unavoidable one, even my Lee filters are full lof sratches..unlike glass where its easier to maintain.. LOL..

If strike lottery, i go BBB Singh Ray le... :devil:

Ok price revealed.. Think u can scratch more than 10 tianya filters :bsmilie:

buy the singh ray blue N gold polarizer lah...:thumbsup:

btw, this is very amusing thread


new way of poisoning is to post up soft image, and then claim that it is sharp, got great bokeh, and you are amazed that the lens can produce "sharp" handheld image for slow shutter speed.

when i see the picture, i see soft picture, i don't really know bokeh, but seems like the slow shutter speed may have contributed to the softness. :bsmilie:

Wah.. lidat aso can.. we have all sorts of funny ppl day in day out :bsmilie:

Maybe they test the product 1,000 times until it is perfect before sending out to you? :bsmilie:

I think an Exposer is going to Hong Kong early next year. Maybe you can beg him to buy for you.

I'll be in Hong Kong two weeks later but will not go near a camera shop as I have to help my wife to take care of our 1-year-old granddaughter. :bsmilie:

I don't buy stuffs from camera shops for years. I buy everything photographic online.

:thumbsup: u must be Ebay most loyal customer! :bsmilie:

wa never been there leh... :sweat:
eh... now come to think of it like got go there b4 like that...

Shot from the 42th floor in HK:



but yours is the big big z series one right...

mine might be cheaper, i use p series.

unless they don't have for p series :bigeyes::bheart:

100mm lo.. eh.. tink they dun have smaller one leh.. all standrad 1 size only.. :)

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