EXPOSE Yourself - VII

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Repeat after me:

Undies on top of head, undies on top of head, Undies on top of head, undies on top of head, Undies on top of head, undies on top of head, Undies on top of head, undies on top of head, Undies on top of head, undies on top of head, Undies on top of head, undies on top of head, Undies on top of head, undies on top of head, Undies on top of head, undies on top of head, Undies on top of head, undies on top of head...:devil:


Yeesh, but I devote myself to the EXpoSeRs' 2nd mission of hitting 1K threads. :devil:

Y u ask? Got 'private' thing to tok ah? :devil:

LOL. No lah. Then I can pester you. :devil::bsmilie:

Repeat after me:

Undies on top of head, undies on top of head, Undies on top of head, undies on top of head, Undies on top of head, undies on top of head, Undies on top of head, undies on top of head, Undies on top of head, undies on top of head, Undies on top of head, undies on top of head, Undies on top of head, undies on top of head, Undies on top of head, undies on top of head, Undies on top of head, undies on top of head...:devil:


Ok... except we've been missing you lately. :bsmilie:


Yeah... weekdays at work... weekends got occupied by GF... hahaha

Thot you got work already what...

Well... the company not doing well....


And luckily I found a new job liao.... :sweat::bsmilie:

ok guys im going for lunch then do work liao. today MUST do work! no matter what at least finish 1 report so that tmr can work on another 1 ! ;)

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