EXPOSE yourself - LXV

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:eek: :eek:
hai hai hai
good morning.
going to dry my hair now and head out to work soon.
rather sleep in with the heavy rain going on now..


have fun... ;)

enjoy ah! Long time didt hear this liao

guard duty LOL LOL LOL


O hai.. I'm home.. Din sleep the whole night cos my GC ko. Den left me to jaga the guardroom. :sweat: Took 5X 3in1 coffee to stay awake. Now i look like :what: Super stone.. I think i'm going to concuss soon..

Speaking of the heavy rain, kena drenched by the rain cos gotta open gate to get the breakfast. @#!$@!$!@# :angry: Then i saw lots of lightning after the rain stopped. The clouds at ard 0700 - 0715 was very nice. Got 3 colours. But got no camera.. So ended up NPNT. :(

O hai.. I'm home.. Din sleep the whole night cos my GC ko. Den left me to jaga the guardroom. :sweat: Took 5X 3in1 coffee to stay awake. Now i look like :what: Super stone.. I think i'm going to concuss soon..

Speaking of the heavy rain, kena drenched by the rain cos gotta open gate to get the breakfast. @#!$@!$!@# :angry: Then i saw lots of lightning after the rain stopped. The clouds at ard 0700 - 0715 was very nice. Got 3 colours. But got no camera.. So ended up NPNT. :(
How can GC ko?!?


Boring day today. Got collegue here cannot streehoot liao :(

Helooooooooooooo.... doc says my eyes are looking better!
but its still red
I've been ordered off contact lenses for a period of time :(
Now must go to my optician make a new pair of specs.

Helooooooooooooo.... doc says my eyes are looking better!
but its still red
I've been ordered off contact lenses for a period of time :(
Now must go to my optician make a new pair of specs.
Sexpose again with specs on :devil:

Let's see those sexy eyes :D

Sexpose again with specs on :devil:

Let's see those sexy eyes :D

wait for me to get new specs first hahaha. My current specs super old super scratched. It was from secondary school days which makes it............................
7 years old by now?

wait for me to get new specs first hahaha. My current specs super old super scratched. It was from secondary school days which makes it............................
7 years old by now?

:eek: no wonder you got things growing on your eyes.. :sweat:

:eek: no wonder you got things growing on your eyes.. :sweat:

haha no darlin'.
I got things growin in my eyes because I wore disposable lenses for the first time while having my permanent lenses made.
It was a bad reaction to the disposables.

haha no darlin'.
I got things growin in my eyes because I wore disposable lenses for the first time while having my permanent lenses made.
It was a bad reaction to the disposables.

oh.. now i remember why i dun wear contacts. Kia si. :bsmilie: i go concuss liao.. see ya later..

Anyone online on this hot lazy saturday afternoon? :think:

Ya. I'm here. Wif fly swatter. :D

fly swatter? lol *piak* here and there.....

I'm here with my carton of books. I went to the MPH warehouse sale this morning. Just got back. :)

EPIC FAIL at sunrise shooting attempt

try to sleep at 2 am to wake at 4 am is death

EPIC FAIL at sunrise shooting attempt

try to sleep at 2 am to wake at 4 am is death


Shooting the sunrise during this period is so painful! Got to wake up so early! Sunsets better..... can have dinner,burp then trot off to set up equipment. :bsmilie:

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Shooting the sunrise during this period is so painful! Got to wake up so early! Sunsets better..... can have dinner,burp then trot off to set up equipment. :bsmilie:


i slept through my phone alarm

my phone alarm is NOT YOUR USUAL TYPE OF ALARM...

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