EOS Experience Day

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got a call and a confirmation send to me this afternoon! :thumbsup:

Do you all know how to get there via public transport? Sorrie... Me pretty clueless. :embrass: The map given by Canon hardly helps.

Thanks for any help.

East Coast a bit hard go there unless driving. Looks like I'm gonna have a long walk from Parkway. :sweat:

take to parkway and walk there? or i believe theres just ONE bus that goes into ecp itself. some bus from bedok. i really forgot whats that. but i might be cycling down to poke poke my head into the event lol

take to parkway and walk there? or i believe theres just ONE bus that goes into ecp itself. some bus from bedok. i really forgot whats that. but i might be cycling down to poke poke my head into the event lol

No choice, my bus only stops at Parkway. So gonna have a long walk tml. :sweat:

shoot the rain and test how waterproof are the L lenses....

Anyone went in the morning leow? I slated for the 4-6 slot.. but raining now dunno how to go sia.

I've an appointment at 4-6pm today (16th June) ! lol im sitting at home watching the dark clouds goes by .. pray pray 4pm will be bright again ! Haiz .. haha

It's raining now. :(

Anyone going can meet up at Bedok MRT. There is a shuttle bus to bring you there.

I will be there at 3.10pm as the bus would leave at around 3.15pm

for those intending to take public buses there, buses available from bedok interchange or parkway would be 197, 196, 31.
From bedok: stop at the laguna flyover bus stop (somewhere near the side gate of Bayshore park)
From Parkway: alight at the bus stop once it turns left at the laguna flyover.

Weather check for the next 3 hours: Shower with thunder expected in the eastern areas.

omg, my section is 1-3 pm this afternoon...... heavy rain.....i give up..... went back home already:(

Skies still gloomy in the east ...

With light drizzle

omg, my section is 1-3 pm this afternoon...... heavy rain.....i give up..... went back home already:(
dont know whether this is a good reason for you not to stay at home ..... :bsmilie:

:bsmilie: ... tempt them to go down no matter what right :nono: :sweat:

Skies are still gloomy.

Drizzle has stopped :bsmilie:

aiyah stay at home la...

i went there just now... it was raining. cant do anything.

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