E900 vs S5600

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New Member
Oct 30, 2005
Hi all,

Need some advice here.
Was initially interested in the S5600 but found that it was a little bulky, due to the non-retractable lens. Not intending to photo birds, so won't be using zoom all the time, just find it very useful to have when the situation arises.

I'm thinking of getting the E900 and getting seperate tele-converter lens to fit on it?
Looking for some opinions on the cons(n pros) of such an setup? Maybe compared to say the S5600?

I doubt the E900 is able to attach tele lense? But since it is 9.1 Mpixels camera, you can use the digital zoom to extend the range. The E9000 is wider (32mm) at wide range that is useful for indoor photo. Using 2AA battery is a plus in my opinion.

Since you are considering only Point and Shoot camera, did you consider the Fuji F11?

hmm was looking for a cam that I could grow with.
F10/F11 is a good camera but seems quite limited in terms of options, doesn't seem quite versatile as the E900. I think the E900 can add some types of tele lens with a converter.

Was actually interested in getting more prosumer models, but the darn S5600 is so darn thick, compared to the fz5, h1 and s2! That why i'm wondering if i can adapt the E900 into somethin fairly similar to the S5600(though not necessarily all the way to 10X/12X zoom).

Does the F11 have full manual instead of just aperture priority and shutter priority? Oh and the E900 does not have an AF illuminator. Anyway, does the S5600 outperform the E900 in high ISO?

anyone got a quote?

its here! heard that MS Colour is quoting the E900 at SGD899...

Just got S5600 several days ago.
The picture quality overall oke for me, have some jaggies edge btw, flash power a bit disappointed not enought strong, even at 4 or 5 meters, have to use iso up to 200 to light up the background image.
Zoom at tele lens not bad on daylight situation, but suffered on low light condition.
With the price around $600, (w/256 mb & bag) this camera value for the money.



Here is a sample crop image, look carefully the jaggies edge there.

Iso 64
F/number 3.2
Shutter 1/10
Aperture 3.2


Caofei said:
Full image ( original no pp )
( large file )
Sorry, the website cant allow to download at full resolution, just 1027x768


very nice. I love how the colours are reproduced from the fuji sensors. so natural! i'll be getting the S5600 next month too :) this month no more $$$

I had tested the "anti shake" on both the lumix fz-5 and also the S5600... found out that the S5600 can capture at ISO1600 which not only reduce shaky hands, but also good for shooting moving subjects :thumbsup: as for the Mega OIS on lumix, it only works on shaky hands. max ISO only 400... noisy too.... so I wont be considering it anymore :nono:

Caofei said:
The picture quality overall oke for me, have some jaggies edge btw

Consider changing the image quality setting to Fine if it's currently not.

flash power a bit disappointed not enought strong, even at 4 or 5 meters, have to use iso up to 200 to light up the background image.

Even with a powerful flash, the illuminated background will not give you a natural lighting. Increasing the ISO will be the best in Auto/Program mode. Else, use Manual mode, up the Aperture to F3.2 and use slower Shutter Speed of between 1/15 (preferred) to 1/30 at ISO 100.

ultrazoom said:
Consider changing the image quality setting to Fine if it's currently not.

Even with a powerful flash, the illuminated background will not give you a natural lighting. Increasing the ISO will be the best in Auto/Program mode. Else, use Manual mode, up the Aperture to F3.2 and use slower Shutter Speed of between 1/15 (preferred) to 1/30 at ISO 100.

Thanks for your suggestion. (sorry for the late response)
The image quality that you mention about actually setting to Fine.
The problem maybe my hand not enough steady ?

Sorry, i mean the flash not strong enough to reach the object far beyond 4 - 5 m, (not background), i have tried setting shutter speed 1/40, 1/30, 1/15 but the result not much different, rising iso is the must i think.



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