Do you want a full frame DSLR?

DO you want a full frame DSLR?

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i still dont understand why people like fullframe when the 1D 1.3x offers the best of both worlds for some more reach at the long end and still very wide enough at the wide end. :think:

user111 said:
i still dont understand why people like fullframe when the 1D 1.3x offers the best of both worlds for some more reach at the long end and still very wide enough at the wide end. :think:

every easy, that is because not many people have excess to either 1D or mk2.

not everyone is as rich as you mate!;)

user111 said:
i still dont understand why people like fullframe when the 1D 1.3x offers the best of both worlds for some more reach at the long end and still very wide enough at the wide end. :think:
agreed with u...

Words of wisdom....

"Full frame is like sliced bread... some like it with the sides and corners torn off but others like it with the crust. Of course, bread with crust is bigger and more fulfilling then bread without crust...."


I dun think I would appreciate the full-frame. Personally like the extended reach of 1.3x crop or 1.6x crop. :sweat:

then what about those who like stuff crust pizza..i know; next time we buy pizza they take the crust i take the rest ;)

I started off with film, and really missed having that extra wide end (I'm more of event/reportage style photography, so don't need much telephoto).

My Tamron 24-135mm is now sitting in the dry cabinet most of the time because it's not wide enough for my style on a 1.6x crop. :cry:

5D (or 1DsMkII for that matter) is still out of reach for me for now and many years to come.

Ah Pao said:
I started off with film, and really missed having that extra wide end (I'm more of event/reportage style photography, so don't need much telephoto).

My Tamron 24-135mm is now sitting in the dry cabinet most of the time because it's not wide enough for my style on a 1.6x crop. :cry:

5D (or 1DsMkII for that matter) is still out of reach for me for now and many years to come.

Don't worry Pal. In less than 5 years, I am sure that you can afford the 5D. The price will plunges, just wait patiently.

Yes, But i'll keep my 10d for tele shots :D
Apparently the 5D abit out of my reach leh...

pardon my ignorance, but if you can get the widest angle you need/want on a non-full frame DSLR (eg. Nikon D2x with 1.5FOV + 12-24mm lens ~ equivalent to 18-36mm), then why do you bother to have full frame or not?

Forget about the technical thingy (pixel size...noise...etc.), leave that to the manufacturer :D

drumma said:
i want 12mm on FF!! on a non-full frame DSLR, the widest is 16mm if i'm correct.

Hmm.. why specifically 12 mm? What do you shoot that needs this focal length?


i like the wide view of this lens.. especially when taking landscapes and buildings.. just like the exceptional view. i'm addicted actually!

not particularly this focal length. but the sigma 12-24 on FF has got me addicted for the past few days. have to return the lens soon.. if not i will take more as time goes.

drumma said:
not particularly this focal length. but the sigma 12-24 on FF has got me addicted for the past few days. have to return the lens soon.. if not i will take more as time goes.

How about distortion and chromatic aberration issues? More evident with Full Frame than with cameras that has a crop factor.


hmm.. distortion at corners are bound to have. especially for architectures making the distortion more 'noticable'.. i'm still in the experimenting process. have yet to process my film. i nv go beyond 8R in my printing.. so as for CA issues, i don't dare to comment. i've read alot of rave reviews bout this lens though. search for 'icarus' and u can find under his punggol threads. some pictures taken with 12-24 and velvia on F100. very impressive shots and i'm learning!

--edited mistakes-- blur blur now. good is the vignetting control a true 12mm full frame lens can produce? Do you really need that wide?

Kho King said: good is the vignetting control a true 12mm full frame lens can produce? Do you really need that wide?

Vignette is one thing, what about distortion control. I think this is tougher.

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