"Do you know the world?" --Competition--

this is difficult. is it in China?

Yes, it is in China.

some more photos from the area.


Mount Putuo Shan?

Mount Putuo Shan?


liban it's your turn now to post a photo.

Putuo Shan is an island southeast of Shanghai. (Zhejiang province)
It is famous in Chinese Buddism, and is considered the bodhimanda
of Avalokitesvara (Guan Yin) a revered Bodhisatta in many
parts of East Asia.
Mount Putuo is one of the four sacred mountains in Chinese Buddism.

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yaay! you're very sneaky to not have any hint of Guanyin or the sea in the photos haha

ok here's the next one. Which city is this snapshot from?



The coat of arms symbol on the wall is the hint :)

correct! and i thought posting an image taken from Borobudur would have been too easy

your turn

Here's the next photos. Where is this place?


Fantasy747 said:

Correct. Did the hint help? :)

Your turn to post your picture.

Was just there 2 months back.