"Do you know the world?" --Competition--

It's been 2 days since Alpina's MIA. Guess we should keep the ball rolling with Poisedon posting a new pic?

here we go...:)
where is this place?


Maybe Poseidon should set a rule to make sure the poster or winner to reply within a specific duration. If no reply within that duration, Poisedon has the right to post a new photo to keep the game rolling.

Good idea zhelong.

Perhaps you can post a suggestion (rule).

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How about 2 days? For poster to reply with the correct answer, 2 days is more than enough. And winner may need to access their photo storage at home to post a new photos, so 2 days is reasonable.

Good idea zhelong.

Perhaps you can post a suggestion (rule).

Fatima, Portugal?

Yes, it is Fàtima,
your turn zhelong.

Fàtima is a town in Portugal famous for the religious visions that reportedly
took place there in 1917. The town itself has a population of 7800 and is located
in central Portugal 123 km north of Lisbon.

Fàtima is famous for the shrine called the "Basilica of our Lady of the Rosary",
built to commemorade the events of 1917 when tree peasant children claimed
to have seen the "Virging of the Rosary".

The Marian shrine in Fàtima attracts a large number of Catholics, and every year
pilgrims fill the country road that leads to the shrine with crowds that approach
one million on May 13 and October 13, the significant dates of Fàtima apperitions.

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Here's the photo. Quite simple, so instead of naming the city, please name the street in this photo.


zhelong said:
Here's the photo. Quite simple, so instead of naming the city, please name the street in this photo.

市府路 shifu road, Taipei?

wonglp said:
市府路 shifu road, Taipei?

Taipei is correct. But not 市府路 :)

zhelong said:
Taipei is correct. But not 市府路 :)

Haiz, shall let others try thanks;)


Nope, you won't see Taipei 101 at your left along 南京東路.

Hint: It is the major eastbound one-way street in Taipei city.

Nope, you won't see Taipei 101 at your left along 南京東路.

Hint: It is the major eastbound one-way street in Taipei city.

it is not the Nanjing East Road,
what about the Xinyi Road??

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it is not the Nanjing East Road,
what about the Xinyi Road??

Correct. Xinyi Road runs from Zhongzheng district to Xinyi district where the Taipei 101 is located. The road runs almost straight from YongKang street junction to Taipei 101. This picture is taken outside the original Din Tai Fung restaurant near YongKang street junction.

Your turn again Poseidon!

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Poseidon88 said:
I hope this time it is not so easy ;)

where is this place.

original version

Hangzhou, broken bridge?