"Do you know the world?" --Competition--

Hi Poseidon88, it is not Changbaishan Heaven Lake. Changbaishan Heaven lake is a Volcanic Crater Lake and I don't think boating is allowed there.

More hints, it is in China, but not in North China, also not in Tibet.

wild guess

heavenly Lake / Changbai Mountain ???
(north China)

...another attempt

is the lake located in a high plateau amidst the Xiaoliangshan hills of Western Yunnan??

I think you are almost there, can try to name it :)

...another attempt

is the lake located in a high plateau amidst the Xiaoliangshan hills of Western Yunnan??

How did you get it? did I give away too many hints? :D

It's a beautiful lake with unique matriarchal culture of the local Mosuo people.
More pictures to share.


Your turn, Poseidon88.

How did you get it? did I give away too many hints?


1. I know the place must be somewhere in Asia
2. I look at the picture carefully
3. special features - people, clothing, environments, plants (vegetation)
4. check the hints

...the last step is easy :)

btw: I travel a lot around the world
and know a little bit the "specifics"
of many countries.

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It's a beautiful lake with unique matriarchal culture of the local Mosuo people.
More pictures to share.


Yes, it is a very nice area.

the matriarchal culture is not sooo good for men...;)

Greek Amphlitheatre, Syracuse Archaeological Park ?

to be exact Sicily, Italy.

Arykanda, Lycian city, Turkey. i got it all mixed up

It's the Amphitheater of Mt. Parnassus at Delphi.

It's the Amphitheater of Mt. Parnassus at Delphi.

Your turn Alpina

In Greek mythologhy, Delphi was the site of the Delphi oracle, the most important oracle in the
classical Greek world, and a mayor site for the worship of the god Apollo after he slew Python,
a deity who lived there and protected the naval of the Earth.

Apollo's sacred precinct in Delphi was a panhellenic sanctuary, where every four years, starting
in 586 BC athletes from all over the Greek world competed in the Pythian Games, one of the
four panhellenic games, precursors of the Modern Olympics.

view of the mountain-top stadium of the Delphi santuary, used for the Pythian Games.


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It's been 2 days since Alpina's MIA. Guess we should keep the ball rolling with Poisedon posting a new pic?

It's been 2 days since Alpina's MIA. Guess we should keep the ball rolling with Poisedon posting a new pic?

Maybe Poseidon should set a rule to make sure the poster or winner to reply within a specific duration. If no reply within that duration, Poisedon has the right to post a new photo to keep the game rolling.