DNP0i$onou$ Clubh0us3 - TCSS Thread VI

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sometimes she is the one talking to you all mah . . . :bsmilie:

we use the same account . . . same camera . . . same memory stick . . . etc :sweatsm:

wah alert alert, woman in man disguise :p

pai seh if i miss out any replies to me.. reading this many pages and many post is not easy... :bsmilie:

p.s. is film camera really fun? :x sensing another poison.. :x

poisonous.... one click and then you have to wait for hours before you can see the "screen"... somore cannot erase one... (only tear) :bsmilie:

haha have u SEEN those xmm who carry a dslr necklace? they r really young.. wonder where they get the money leh...

haha from their daddy and "daddy" lor.

film is it fun ?
no choice at the time . . . you need to have one shot one kill . . . cos cannot PP.
only can 'cropped', print out bigger and cut. :bsmilie:

And every shot is about 50 cents at the time.

So when i move to digital, i didn't PP much.

film is it fun ?
no choice at the time . . . you need to have one shot one kill . . . cos cannot PP.
only can 'cropped', print out bigger and cut. :bsmilie:

And every shot is about 50 cents at the time.

So when i move to digital, i didn't PP much.

how much is one 4R print these days har? It's been ages since my last print...:sweat: cheaper already right? I need to go print one of my kid later...

4R . . . 15 cents to 30 cents . . . depends on your quantity and place . . .

Last time 3R is more popular . . . nowadays is 4R.

wah 15 cents cheap leh... any good central location to recommend? One at Adelphi good or not?

central i donno . . . think should be ok. 10 cents and 15 cents now very hard to find.

nowadays all are quite ok now.

Ah... Me, weegk, NNB, you, DD123, that's about 5 of us liao... We take one cam and go hide one corner... :bsmilie:

must as well take one camera and go out for a spin and return at 9.30pm. :bsmilie:

Ah... Me, weegk, NNB, you, DD123, that's about 5 of us liao... We take one cam and go hide one corner... :bsmilie:

wah! ok. i nv look at the list of whose going. will buzz bert when i am there as i think i got his no only. haha

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