Digital Darkroom Tricks and Tips from Stefano Virgilli


Staff member
About Stefano Virgilli

Stefano has an Italian degree in communication design and moved to Singapore in 2006.

He is in the training line since the year 2000. He has been teaching mostly 2D graphic design and photography post production. Later on, he further specialized in video editing, 2D and 2.5D animation. Besides the solid background in training, he also owned an design studio in Italy and directed both Ultimate Video Fx as well as VOX. That placed him in the position of combining theory to practical work experience.

Stefano have been certified competent in the WSQ Advanced Certificate in Training and Assessment (ACTA) Trainer®, Assessor® and Developer® Facilitated Learning. Adobe Community Professional - Photoshop Adobe User Group Manager Adobe Certified Instructor (ACI) Expert (ACE) After Effects 6.0 / 7.0 / CS3 / CS4 Adobe Certified Instructor (ACI) Expert (ACE) Acrobat 9 Professional Adobe Certified Instructor (ACI) Expert (ACE) Captivate 3 Adobe Certified Instructor (ACI) Creative Suite® Master Adobe Certified Expert (ACE) Creative Suite® Master CS3 Adobe Certified Expert (ACE) Design Master CS4 Adobe Certified Expert (ACE) Design Specialist CS3 / CS4 Adobe Certified Instructor (ACI) Expert (ACE) Dreamweaver CS3 Adobe Certified Instructor (ACI) Expert (ACE) Encore CS3 Adobe Certified Instructor (ACI) Expert (ACE) Illustrator CS3 / CS4 Adobe Certified Instructor (ACI) Expert (ACE) InDesign CS3 / CS4 Adobe Certified Instructor (ACI) Expert (ACE) Photoshop CS2 / CS3 / CS4 Adobe Certified Expert (ACE) Photoshop Lightroom Adobe Certified Instructor (ACI) Expert (ACE) Premiere Pro 2.0 / CS3 / CS4 Adobe Certified Expert (ACE) Video Specialist CS3 Adobe Certified Instructor (ACI) Contribute CS3 Adobe Certified Instructor (ACI) Photoshop Lightroom 1.0 Adobe Certified Educator Adobe Certified Associate in Visual Communication using Photoshop CS4 Adobe Certified Associate in Web Communication using Dreamweaver CS4 Adobe Certified Associate in Rich Media Communication using Adobe Flash® Professional Apple Certified Final Cut Pro 7 End User

This thread is created for Stefano to pen in or create links to some of his articles or tips on Digital Darkroom for both still and also video effects, for the benefit of all members here.

As this is purely on a voluntary basis, please do allow Stefano some time to do it and also he may not be able to answer all your queries instantly.

Stefano's facebook

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Hi everyone and thanks for the introduction. I just have to add 6 fresh certifications ;)
Last week I passed my recertification exams and now I am also:
  • Adobe Certified Expert Photoshop CS5
  • Adobe Certified Instructor Photoshop CS5
  • Adobe Certified Expert Illustrator CS5
  • Adobe Certified Instructor Illustrator CS5
  • Adobe Certified Expert InDesign CS5
  • Adobe Certified Instructor InDesign CS5
Despite the paper I have collected in the past few years, I have a lot to learn from the ClubSnap users.

Also, if you see a Photoshop specialist as a threaten to the purity of your pictures, don't fear me :devil: we both work in the same direction. Getting pictures to look better and better.
I am also a purist. A true holistic photo-editor. If a photoshopper disappoints the author of the picture... well, that is not a real photoshopper :nono:

Feel free to ask me questions about digital image and colour. I will be very happy to reply, although it may be a few days later. Please be patient!



nice and welcome to clubsnap.. I love photoshop. =)

sounds like a good idea... all of us are trying to push the limits of our pictures... Any possibility that we post our pictures and ask if you could give us some pointers?

Hey stef, welcome to ClubSnap!

Yuppz, you can also join his Creative Crew meetings on every second Tuesday of the month. Its totally free and always at a public library.


Sure! I'd love to!
However I must admit I am not a photographer... Perhaps I can help a little with some technical details such as sharpness, contrast and colour cast.

Welcome to CS! Its so kind of you to offer to give advise and pointers on photoshop, kudos! :)

Hi Snapperz,
I have just got back to Singapore. I spent the festivities in my hometown in Italy.
HAPPY NEW YEAR! :gbounce:

This week there is going to be a open session at the Singapore Art Museum.
And next week another open session at the Central Library in Vicotria.... I am writing the programme now.
Will send out the invitations soon.



Hi Stefano,

I attended your talk at 8Q. Very good workshop for beginners like me. Cheers!

I have a question on Lightroom 3. Is there a level adjustment tool similar to the one you showed us on Photoshop in Lightroom 3?

If there isn't, is there anything similar inside lightroom 3?


Hi, you could try with the curves perhaps.
It is very similar to levels.
In the individual Curves Channels, Curve Up means Gamma Slider to the Left in Levels... and viceversa.
Found it?



Yes, found it.

Thanks Stefano. Trying it out now. Cheers.

Hi Snappers, I would like to share with all of you this Photoshop video tutorial using the third party plugin OnOne:

For those who want to consider a cheaper alternative to Photoshop, take a look at Corel PaintShop Pro:

...and to complete the list, here is a tutorial using Adobe Lightroom:
