Delhi to Ladakh rejoiced (H series)

Sorry for hijacking your thread, Zoossh...but I couldn't resist after seeing your photo ;p
Presenting...the Making of Flying Angels.

flying angels. at shanti gompa

螳 螂 捕 蟬 ,黃 雀 在 後! :bsmilie:




Gyarah Murti, Gandhi's salt march monument, just showing one part of it. For the story of the salt satyagraha, can read here in wikipedia. someone shot the statue at night which is nicer.

Quoted from this site, "This massive black sculpture is sheer poetry in stone. You’ll spot it on the T-junction on Sardar Patel Marg from where roads lead to Willingdon Crescent and Teen Murti House. The sculpture, by Devi Prasad Roy Choudhary, depicts the famous Dandi March led by Mahatma Gandhi in 1931 against oppressive salt taxes imposed by the British regime."

By the way, if anyone knows who is who in the salt monument (if other than gandhi, there are identifiable personnels....), please educate me for my curiosity. i posted them in another forum for that question.


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Really love the shot of the girls at the deer park. Like an ad shot. Lovely light, charming subjects and great composition. One of those shots that bring a smile.


honoured to have you drop by with your first post. haven't seen you start posting for your pics but the jaipur portraits are good.

so that's where you have been! :)
great shots so far, all work for me :)

like the bell and the children in your b/w pics for poland. sometimes i stop posting in your thread cos i run out of synonyms of saying good.


#20Maybe there's no need to rotate the photo.

just trying out and like the effect on the right. i know there are distracting forms on the left.

螳 螂 捕 蟬 ,黃 雀 在 後!

that is what we say there and then.

very neat work and awesome photos you have here. I like the colours treatment here that makes it so comfortable to look at.



ladakh is a place that you will soon get tired of cornetto and vienetta. but if one is crazy about this patterns, he will get a full load of shots everywhere he goes.

and well, if some may ask again about GND's filters. this trip i'm using the cheapest filters i've got, tianya, and that would be the unwanted hue you will get. looking at the filter, it looks a little greenish, but the hue you will get is like above if you got a original greyish blue overcast, but anyway both are boring so the hue does not really matter while the exposure are.


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now back to portraits. well, i find this trip heavily polarised to just portraits, animals and landscape so just bear with me for the lack of creativity and the lack of balance with some still life shots.

but then we have some lucky event that we are just surrounded by goats or monks. the above is when we are going towards rizong monastery and met some young monks from the school. i think they are asking the driver if they can take a ride up but there is just too many of them, about 8-10 i think. nonetheless we got down and happily took pictures for them. after a while after shooting the 4th and 5th, i start to lost track of who i have shot and who i haven't.

something about portrait is when you fill the frame, apart from the expression is the clothes that provides a colored background. the reds and yellows are great and harmonise with the sun-tanned light reddish brown complexion. oh, this boy might have a treated cleft lip or he might be a naughty boy when he is younger.


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there is a relatively strong japanese contribution in this part of the world. As quoted here, "shanti stupa was built with the efforts of a Japanese traveller with funds provided by Japanese goverment. The side panels of this pagoda are decorated with gilt panels that depict the stories from the life of Lord Buddha. The best time to visit this Gompa is during dusk when the puja ceremony of the monks create a mesmerising atmosphere" (we went before dusk from 530-630pm indian time but didn't see the monks outside, maybe they are within the monastery below).

As quoted here, it is "located on the hilltop at Changspa. It can be reached quite easily from the Fort Road. The Stupa was constructed by a Japanese Buddhist organization, known as 'The Japanese for World Peace'. The aim behind the construction of the stupa was to commemorate 2500 years of Buddhism and to promote World Peace. His Holiness, the Dalai Lama inaugurated the Shanti Stupa in the year 1985. A magnificent white-domed structure, the Shanti Stupa of Leh Ladakh offers spectacular views of the sunrise and sunset. The stupa looks best at night, when it is beautifully illuminated with glittering lights. A large number of tourists come to Ladakh every year to visit this amazing stupa."


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Hijack your post to make it more complete.
Now left one last shot -- Paul's photo of the stupa.

1) 蟬 has a photo of Pxxx.

2) 螳 螂 has a photo of 蟬 + Pxxx
Sorry for hijacking your thread, Zoossh...but I couldn't resist after seeing your photo ;p
Presenting...the Making of Flying Angels.

3) 黃 雀 has a photo of 螳 螂 + 蟬 + Pxxx

it just goes to show how badly i abused my white balance...



find it totally difficult for get a desired satisfactory composition at a lake at eye level. tried a whole day in vain. the next day, the clouds is all cloudy and not in a mood to venture, i went to the "sideyard" of the guesthouse and sit with my friends on those beach chairs, facing the lake and a fence. interestingly, the fence brings some pattern (verticals) to an otherwise all horizontal bars that is all so familiar in non-impactful wide angle landscapes.

taken at spangmik, facing pangong tso and mainland tibet across the lake. when his lake is frozen during winter. it becomes an easier route for the tibetans to cross the border and trade, just by driving across the ice.


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the morning chimney and smoke. got me really excited when i see smoke. smoke and dust are dynamic elements that evokes mood by interplay with light, and becos they ain't always present, they makes refreshing pictures all the time for me. the most underexposed try gives me the best result. (u can consider tuning your gamma setting on your computer if this picture looks too dark)


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the giants at rizong. oh yes, that are lovely socks, for kids. the wonderful browns, reds and pinks, give one of the warmest color combinations. hopefully i can send the pics to rizong nunnery and longbang them to bring over to rizong monastery for these little monks, nonetheless sometimes it is difficult to tell male and female.


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the giants at rizong. oh yes, that are lovely socks, for kids. the wonderful browns, reds and pinks, give one of the warmest color combinations. hopefully i can send the pics to rizong nunnery and longbang them to bring over to rizong monastery for these little monks, nonetheless sometimes it is difficult to tell male and female.


Zoossh, really nice photos you have. Enjoy viewing them.

Like the perspective of this photo, instead of the top down/eye-level shots.



leh palace gets lighted up at night. but the strong light intensity can be and is surprisingly overwhelming, especially when it gets darker and darker. compositionally, it is preferable to go lower with more foreground, but i'm having some white walls below and the exposure for this try is better.


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a nice morning with a lot of good shots in the small shady orchard. lady boss of apple view gueshouse in old manali


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a nice morning with a lot of good shots in the small shady orchard. lady boss of apple view gueshouse in old manali


UMMMMMMMM You know whats in my mind :think:

UMMMMMMMM You know whats in my mind :think:

i hope the family have the same reaction she has in her photo when they receive my mail.

p.s. but i think this picture got potential to fight with the champion photo roy has - the pang beauuuu....tttiiiiii.....ffffuuuullllll.