Darn! We bought F-15s for RSAF

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JediForce4ever said:
F-14s are already being phased out in favour of the F/A-18E/F super hornet....sad to see the beauty go....

F18 as carrier defense? Sure boh?

afbug said:
F18 as carrier defense? Sure boh?

Not only have they been serving on carriers since the inception of the F/A-18A/B, the EA-6B Prowler is also being replaced by the EA-18G Growler in the electronic warfare role.

LazerLordz said:
Just because laymen think it is newly revealed info..doesn't mean it is.Us military buffs know where the info in the public domain is, just that they do not really publish it here.But it is in magazines and journals nonetheless.

Ever heard of SG planning to procure the Global Hawk?ABM systems?:bsmilie:
I dunno abt it, but did u guys know that we actually have a store of 2 nukes currently? :confused:

Spectrum said:
F-14 Tomcats are mobile fighters on a carrier. Think about maintaining an air-craft carrier?:eek:And more than 2 thousand people to feed.
Singapore is an aircraft carrier as well, if u choose to look at it in another light> :)

Think it would be nice to have a some VTOL/STOL aircraft. Can deploy them to all the tennis courts and golf courses...

centuryegg said:
if we get big MBTs like M1A1, they will be sitting ducks for a small two man team with anti tank missiles.

Well, a 2-man anti tank crew would have trouble penetrating the armour of a M1A1 while a one man crew carrying a light anti tank weapon would have no problem dispatching our under armoured SM1 (AMX-13) tanks.

The only reason why M1A1's are not really suited is that it is quite a wide and large tank. So it is not really suited to our congested urban environment. Also asia are full of forests. Besides, the M1A1 is a real fuel guzzler!

jsbn said:
I dunno abt it, but did u guys know that we actually have a store of 2 nukes currently? :confused:
Nukes? sure or not? if have, sure have big hoo-haa liao

Haha thats a good one.... we having nukes haha but seriously I think its fine to discuss general tactics and all for discussion but I agreed what we have seen or heard in NS and all should be kept to ourselves. For that I apologise first for my comments on the tanks.... :)

centuryegg said:
Haha thats a good one.... we having nukes haha but seriously I think its fine to discuss general tactics and all for discussion but I agreed what we have seen or heard in NS and all should be kept to ourselves. For that I apologise first for my comments on the tanks.... :)
Check out this link;
It's a well know fact. And it was an old news.
There're lots of friends from other countries visit & comment on this forum as well.
I dun see what a big deal talking abt Centurian tanks.
Do a google, and u can find lots of facts for the general public to read about. No big secret.

So long as no mention of what DSTA is up to & strategic locations of our weapons, planes, tanks etc. Way of engagements, which units are meant for what mission etc, it should be ok.

It all boils down to the men who handle the weapons & the one at the top who is able to out think the enemies when crisis happens that counts.
U put a monkey on the most advance weapons, he's still of little harm, compare to a smart man with an axe.:bsmilie:

evq said:
U put a monkey on the most advance weapons, he's still of little harm, compare to a smart man with an axe.:bsmilie:
Words of Wisdom:
A monkey with its finger on a nuclear detonator is way more dangerous then a man with an axe....

Zplus said:
Words of Wisdom:
A monkey with its finger on a nuclear detonator is way more dangerous then a man with an axe....
:bsmilie: :bsmilie: :bsmilie: true true.

Nah just dont want some oversensitive ISA officer to invite me for coffee...... Now with the current terrorism thingee, everyone's so paranoid.... Due to my job, I have to take photos for recce for filming, and have been detained by police once cos I took photos of some colonial houses not knowing that they are rental apartments for US service men. When in MRT, with my big bag and skin head, I get police staring at me and watching me..... so better be safe than sorry

Incidentally we can actually all be charged and thrown into DB or under ISA thrown into detention at home affairs for talking abt our military stuff. Cos this are all classfied under restricted and not for public knowledge. Just that no one enforces this rule that strictly....

centuryegg said:
Incidentally we can actually all be charged and thrown into DB or under ISA thrown into detention at home affairs for talking abt our military stuff. Cos this are all classfied under restricted and not for public knowledge. Just that no one enforces this rule that strictly....

I'd like to see them charge a person who discusses things and information found in military journals and military forums.So why don't we just cancel Pioneer, close down iMindef and stop giving interviews and not let DSTA interact with the world and conduct interviews.

e.g the Light Tank replacement is out on the Janes publications.That's public domain, and if someone has not seen it, that mere moment of ignorance should not be construed as one of discovering a classified document.

So guys, discuss things that are around on the net and in journals, magazines and books.If you want to go beyond, you can only consider it as a rumour and nothing more.For it is unsubstantiated information.

centuryegg said:
Incidentally we can actually all be charged and thrown into DB or under ISA thrown into detention at home affairs for talking abt our military stuff. Cos this are all classfied under restricted and not for public knowledge. Just that no one enforces this rule that strictly....

What a load of crap.

rinaldi86 said:
Nukes? sure or not? if have, sure have big hoo-haa liao

Singapore do not have nuclear weapons.

But 2 nuclear weapons are actually deploy by Great Britain in Singapore, without the knowledge of the public, during the Cold War in 1950s, as communism was expanding in Asia.

It was act as an standby weapons to have the first strike capabilities against communist country.
It was withdraw at later stage.

This information was release by Great Britain which Top Secret information can be reveal to public after 50 years of keeping.

Next thing you know, we'll have particle beams and photon torpedoes!
But... shhh.... you didn't hear that from me....

Zplus said:
Next thing you know, we'll have particle beams and photon torpedoes!
But... shhh.... you didn't hear that from me....
We have a UFO also.
U didn't hear that from me too..

It's near funan...

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