[D3] Dedicated Thread

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Oct 27, 2002
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Since there's one for D300 n i got a few reliable info that the cam will b here tmr.
let the joy begin~~
n guys,less OT pls. thanks~!

where will the camera be at? the shops or at sitex ? or at nikon showroom ?

Have anyone pre-ordered, and took delivery of the camera?

Since there's one for D300 n i got a few reliable info that the cam will b here tmr.
let the joy begin~~
n guys,less OT pls. thanks~!

so you're getting your D3 tmr too? do post more info of the D3 so that pple from coming to this thread can benefit with wat they want to find out abt camera...thanks in advance

My new toy came with something that all brand new too!
a new hotshoe cap :bsmilie:

I think got at least 20++ hot shoe cover owner. :angel:

i think less than that.
the shop i was in only got 3 n i think all 3 were sold by 1900hrs.
the shipment compared to d300 is alot lesser.
saw 14-24 looks like a fish eye to me n played with the 24-70.
power sia..

my toys are here!
i didnt know the batts are soooo big!i bought 4!and each cost more than $160!
when i plug in 2 batts to the charger, i thought the right side wasnt working...:eek:
then when i read the manual, i realised it will charge one follow by the other...(i think nikon should make it such that it charges both to save time)...

the d3 feeeeeels like a dream in my hands.so sturdy!no more putting paper between the vertical grip and the cam body like my d200....
ohhhhh sweeeeeeeeet!!!!!!!!!!!!!:heart:

the lenses come with nice padded bags!

i love the 14-24.
it doesnt allow a front filter.the front cover is actually a big rubbery tupperware cap!

my virgin D3!!!!cant sleep liao tonite!cant wait to go out and shoooooooot!

when i saw the D3 manual...my heart sank....
it's soooooo thick!

How much did you pay for the D3?

my toys are here!
i didnt know the batts are soooo big!i bought 4!and each cost more than $160!
when i plug in 2 batts to the charger, i thought the right side wasnt working...:eek:
then when i read the manual, i realised it will charge one follow by the other...(i think nikon should make it such that it charges both to save time)...

the d3 feeeeeels like a dream in my hands.so sturdy!no more putting paper between the vertical grip and the cam body like my d200....
ohhhhh sweeeeeeeeet!!!!!!!!!!!!!:heart:

the lenses come with nice padded bags!

i love the 14-24.
it doesnt allow a front filter.the front cover is actually a big rubbery tupperware cap!

my virgin D3!!!!cant sleep liao tonite!cant wait to go out and shoooooooot!

really sorry guys...i was given a 'good' price.whether it's good or not, seriously i dont know and i dont care.even if i was ripped...when the d3 was in my hands...every cent is worth it.
i dont break promises which i made to people.
again, apologies and hope you guys can understand.:)

really sorry guys...i was given a 'good' price.whether it's good or not, seriously i dont know and i dont care.even if i was ripped...when the d3 was in my hands...every cent is worth it.
i dont break promises which i made to people.
again, apologies and hope you guys can understand.:)

Can you do some High ISO shoot for us to review.

Damn, you guys are 12 hours ahead of me. I have to wait till tomorrow to see mine. Pre-ordered and pre-paid, and the list is long. I'm glad I bit the bullet the day it was announced.

Now, tonight will be the longest night I have been....

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