Crossing Bridges Photo - Participants' photo sharing thread

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Before you do the histogram. See if the graph is towards the right side or towards the left side. Overshot graph means too dark or too bright...can pull back the details. to do it hah? paiseh..where to do those increase highlight and shadow thingy..:sweat:

i come back from cameron then work on it..:sweat:

thanks for the guidance..:lovegrin:

Before you do the histogram. See if the graph is towards the right side or towards the left side. Overshot graph means too dark or too bright...can pull back the details.

orh..come back then i going off to Camerons liao... ;p

Remember the last day when we make a boat trip down to Tonle Sap, everybody need to board a boat for this trip. The boatman from this boat arrived and try to get this engine started...


Realise that it cannot start the this guy go to the next boat and borrow another battery to start. Thereafter return the battery. Carry the +24V battery in one hand and walk along the boat is no joke...very heavy.
...engine get started and happy to go...


While we reach the Temple area, the boat need to park and stop there. After stopping for our break the boatman go back to start the engine....again, the engine refuse to start. So this boatman again borrow another battery..this time he got a battery from the canteen people. He then carry to the boat (Green Roof)


Here is the interesting part. Normally by replacing one of the old battery, the engine will get to sway, this borrowed battery was not good enough to start it. So, he try to connect this battery together with the rest...3 of them link together. Problem, he can't find a wire to connect to this battery. After searching under the engine...manage to find a piece of wire. This piece of wire need to tide to the terminal across two batteries. Problem is the wire is quite thick, need a clip to tide it together. What do you think he do next?
Put the wire on top of the two terminal, use his slipper and step hard on it. Start the engine. While the engine is starting, you can see the slipper below create some spark due to current across the battery. The engine got started. Then he remove his feet and slipper. The battery terminal melted and the wire broken off. (Est 20-40Amp) His slipper also burn due to the heat...interesting but dangerous ideas. After that he carry the battery all the way back to the shop again.

This is what happen to him after the battery changing...

I am back from Cameron Highlands...
finally...back to posting pics...

Sunset at Angkor Wat

While trying to outwit the guard (he trying to get me out..), i ran with camera with tripod and try to snap a few pics) of the example...:sweat:

Nice effect... how come so blur?
When you want to start the lesson...?

A star found at Tonle Sap.


tungtong CB5.5 dec 2008

MY BAYON--the heart of angkor





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trying to take a pic of the wall and it's texture..and as usual blur me, forgot to set iso back to normal...

so this pic was taken ISO1600...become like this effect..:bsmilie:

No, remember I told you to set the WB?
Most of the wall are quite dirty with slightly towards the black and white, if you can remember the wall colour... increase the WB will give you some sort of redish colour which is suitable for olden Stony archictecture shot. Check what WB is this? Should be around 7000-8000.
You can also do that in Camera Raw...see the effect.
Higher ISO will have more sensitive to shadow areas like the inner door area. Actually we can lightup the inner door areas as well.

Btw, still believe your lens is OOF.
Can you check on this:

Get it calibrated for all the lens you have. You will be surprise the result after that.

We have a outing coming Saturday...


trying to take a pic of the wall and it's texture..and as usual blur me, forgot to set iso back to normal...

so this pic was taken ISO1600...become like this effect..:bsmilie:

Thank you sifu ..:lovegrin:

Oki..i go get my camera/lens calibrated this coming Jan....and cleaning as well...lot of dust liao...:sweat:

Sat outing?? yeah on..!

*look left look right* huh..i am still surviving...;)



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How many Gb you have taken for this trip?

Is this the best you have taken?

Just finish selecting ,After delete about 200GB,
I like some of the IR photos from Bayon & Ta Proum (need PP to B&W)
& Children from nursery school ,fishing village .......need time to PP.......

thanks for viewing.
HAPPY 2009 ! ! !:vhappy:

call me if U free for :cheers:


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