[ Community ] - FourThirds Equipment Price List

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On TODAY newspaper:

E520 + 14-42 + 70-300
+ FL36
+ 8MP digital camera
+ External Hard Disk
+ MP4 Player
+Digital photo frame
+ memory card
+ Portable flat panel speaker

All for $1,899 at Courts

Thanks for the info... the freebie not attrative to the price.

Dont understand why there are some random freebies...MP4 Player, flat panel speakers ?!!

Anyways, anybody here knows the price of the 70-300? Badly need a super telephoto..

On TODAY newspaper:

E520 + 14-42 + 70-300
+ FL36
+ 8MP digital camera
+ External Hard Disk
+ MP4 Player
+Digital photo frame
+ memory card
+ Portable flat panel speaker

All for $1,899 at Courts

ROFLMAO... This must be the LAMEST attempt by Courts to dump all their stocks by bundling them! Might as well add a toaster and water heater... ha ha ha... :bsmilie:

ROFLMAO... This must be the LAMEST attempt by Courts to dump all their stocks by bundling them! Might as well add a toaster and water heater... ha ha ha... :bsmilie:

buy DSLR and get a free Fridge or 42inch LCD? this will be attractive!!!

buy DSLR and get a free Fridge or 42inch LCD? this will be attractive!!!

Make that a Sony Bravia Full HD LCD TV... I am not greedy... 36 inch will do just fine. Thank you. Ha ha ha... :bsmilie:

Sorry, I think we better stop... we are going very off topic from this. I just cannot take it when retailers are doing such silly things.

Any idean on the 70-300? How much is it going for?

buy DSLR and get a free Fridge or 42inch LCD? this will be attractive!!!

make that a Nike shoe, $100 pre paid food court card, and 10 sessions of free massage at a well known spa (must include facial), and you've got a deal.

Hi, I'm thinking in investing in better lenses, but can't make up my mind on which... Guess I'll start with the prices to narrow down my choices.... Anyone here knows the pricing for the following Olympus lenses?

1) 14-35mm F2.0
2) 11-22 F2.8-3.5
3) 12-60mm F2.8-4.0
4) 25mm F2.8

Thanks in advance for any help =)

Hi, I'm thinking in investing in better lenses, but can't make up my mind on which... Guess I'll start with the prices to narrow down my choices.... Anyone here knows the pricing for the following Olympus lenses?

1) 14-35mm F2.0
2) 11-22 F2.8-3.5
3) 12-60mm F2.8-4.0
4) 25mm F2.8

Thanks in advance for any help =)

I agar agar ok? pls correct me if you have the actual figure.

1) 14-35mm F2.0 ard 3k
2) 11-22mm F2.8-3.5 ard 1.2k
3) 12-60mm F2.8-4 ard $1350
4) 25mm F2.8 ard <$400

above are agar agar SG price.

I agar agar ok? pls correct me if you have the actual figure.

1) 14-35mm F2.0 ard 3k
2) 11-22mm F2.8-3.5 ard 1.2k
3) 12-60mm F2.8-4 ard $1350
4) 25mm F2.8 ard <$400

above are agar agar SG price.

Thanks man! u are fast! Looks like I can rule out the 11-22mm. Might as well invest a bit more and get e 12-60mm....
I'm damn tempted by the 14-35mm F2.0...but no $$$!!!! sob sob....Have to look for more jobs. Anyone wants to collaborate to do shoots with me?? lol

I agar agar ok? pls correct me if you have the actual figure.

1) 14-35mm F2.0 ard 3k
2) 11-22mm F2.8-3.5 ard 1.2k
3) 12-60mm F2.8-4 ard $1350
4) 25mm F2.8 ard <$400

above are agar agar SG price.

Sorry ya... agar-agar = gelatinous, I believe you refer to word "estimate" with "agar-agar"
so the correct word will be "Agak Agak" or "Kira Kira"


Sorry ya... agar-agar = gelatinous, I believe you refer to word "estimate" with "agar-agar"
so the correct word will be "Agak Agak" or "Kira Kira"


haha... ok thks for correction .

My english little bit la, chinese hokkien no limit, malayu cannot make it... heehee ;p

haha... ok thks for correction .

My english little bit la, chinese hokkien no limit, malayu cannot make it... heehee ;p

Lucky for you, photography can make it!

On TODAY newspaper:

E520 + 14-42 + 70-300
+ FL36
+ 8MP digital camera
+ External Hard Disk
+ MP4 Player
+Digital photo frame
+ memory card
+ Portable flat panel speaker

All for $1,899 at Courts
does this require the 36mths instalment thing?

At last, got my equipment at MS-Color, E520 + 14-42 + 40-150 + 2GB XD +bag = SGD1068 + 7%GST , FL36R = SGD299 (incl GST).

At last, got my equipment at MS-Color, E520 + 14-42 + 40-150 + 2GB XD +bag = SGD1068 + 7%GST , FL36R = SGD299 (incl GST).

What?!?! 2GB xD card!??! :eek: :nono:
Go back and have it changed for a Ultra II CF or something!

Sorry, I'm newbie here... what's wrong with xD card?

xD card is the slowest card ever (that is still in the market) in terms of read/write speed. And in case if you want to jump ship (which you probably won't), you can still use your CF card on some of the other systems. Besides, CF card perform relatively faster. You should deserve an Ultra-II for that purchase. Give them a ring and ask for the exchange before making the trip down.

The sweet side of the xD card is, on Olympus dslrs, you can make use of the panorama (preset) function to do in-camera stitching of your pictures together - does not work for CF card. The flip side to this is, you are better off doing it yourself and 3rd party application can do this equally well if not better - ptgui.

xD card is the slowest card ever (that is still in the market) in terms of read/write speed. And in case if you want to jump ship (which you probably won't), you can still use your CF card on some of the other systems. Besides, CF card perform relatively faster. You should deserve an Ultra-II for that purchase. Give them a ring and ask for the exchange before making the trip down.

The sweet side of the xD card is, on Olympus dslrs, you can make use of the panorama (preset) function to do in-camera stitching of your pictures together - does not work for CF card. The flip side to this is, you are better off doing it yourself and 3rd party application can do this equally well if not better - ptgui.

I agree. At first I thought the xD card was necessary (because the Oly manual said it was required to do panorama shots), but when I learnt how to do the pano shots manually, it rendered the xD card obsolete. The only time I see it useful is:
  • as a backup media when I'm shooting outdoors and have used up all my CF cards -- it happened once when I did a 3-model shoot
  • as a primary media when I'm teaching my kids how to shoot -- to keep it from cluttering the contents of my CF card

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