ClubSNAPpers in Melbourne..

dont wait toooooooo long
12 apostles now left 8 i think :p

Actually its 6 now I think, and yeah I wanna take a shot there before any more collapse. But no DSLR is a huge set-back. I'm really itching for my camera right now but latest rumour is that Panasonic will release a new faster lens for m4/3 in March or April so I dunno if I can stand to wait that long. :confused:

Actually its 6 now I think, and yeah I wanna take a shot there before any more collapse. But no DSLR is a huge set-back. I'm really itching for my camera right now but latest rumour is that Panasonic will release a new faster lens for m4/3 in March or April so I dunno if I can stand to wait that long. :confused:

get a 2nd hand dslr? 2nd hand cams at gumtree and aussie ebay can be as low as 300

I got cam bags to sell =P... ok that was

or rent.
while you are waiting, you can use any systems to take photos rite? hehehe

Dont miss the opportunity just because you are waiting for a release of a better model.

I hope those who did not work had a relaxing or fun-filled Australia Day.

For those of you celebrating the lunar new year, here's to a happy and prosperous new year ahead.

You did? Ah you shoulda told me! I wanted some stuffs from home, ah well just too bad then.

And yeah it has been awfully quiet. How about we organise a "lim kopi" session at Southbank? Or any decent cafe around Melbourne that anyone wants to suggest?

You did? Ah you shoulda told me! I wanted some stuffs from home, ah well just too bad then.

And yeah it has been awfully quiet. How about we organise a "lim kopi" session at Southbank? Or any decent cafe around Melbourne that anyone wants to suggest?

i'll be freed from my thesis cage by next fri!!!!

Hello! Used to stay in Brisbane but considering moving to melb when I go back to Aussie. :bsmilie: working in sg for the moment now.

Chanced upon this thread by chance.. :) hope to join in on some outings next time.

And yeah it has been awfully quiet. How about we organise a "lim kopi" session at Southbank? Or any decent cafe around Melbourne that anyone wants to suggest?

I think Southbank has more bars than cafes, but that's fine by me. Yeah, why not this Saturday afternoon from 3pm?

Those interested, and can make it on Saturday, drop me an email at

I think < 24 hour notice is a little too short. I suggest either next Wednesday evening or next Saturday instead? :)

Alright, lets make next Saturday 26 Feb afternoon. Drop me an e-mail since I seldom check this forum.

How about I book a table at Blue Train Cafe at 3pm under the name of ClubSnappers? Then anyone can just walk in and join us. I'll book a table for 4, but if 4 people confirm then I'll book for 6 or 8.

How about I book a table at Blue Train Cafe at 3pm under the name of ClubSnappers? Then anyone can just walk in and join us. I'll book a table for 4, but if 4 people confirm then I'll book for 6 or 8.

That's a good idea. I'm in.

Okay I'm starting a list of attendees, anyone coming please add your name so I can get enough seats:
1) harnamsc
2) Jemapela

Update: Blue Train Cafe only accepts reservations for large groups during peak hours, as our group is small and 3pm is a non-peak hour, we can just walk in and be assigned a table. I'll go early and grab us a table. Those who are coming please PM me your contacts and I'll reply with my handphone number.