ClubSNAPpers in Melbourne..

LOL this thread is really quiet but yeah happy new year everyone, hope 2011 brings a more rewarding year. On a personal note, I may be moving from Australia hopefully for the last time. Had a lot of ups and downs but will be looking forward to a clean bill of opportunities and settlement in 2011.

LOL this thread is really quiet but yeah happy new year everyone, hope 2011 brings a more rewarding year. On a personal note, I may be moving from Australia hopefully for the last time. Had a lot of ups and downs but will be looking forward to a clean bill of opportunities and settlement in 2011.

It's always been really quiet in this thread despite Melbourne probably having the biggest number of ClubSnap members in Australia.

Where are you moving to? Japan? If yes, help me find out job hours and job vacancies in Canon or Nikon. LOL!

anyone from canberra here? I'm looking to move soon, was wondering if there are any particular bad parts of town I should stay away from?

Yeah my town! Just kidding. Um every suburb is fine, just depends where you want to be and what you can afford. Can avoid hoppers crossing though.

It's always been really quiet in this thread despite Melbourne probably having the biggest number of ClubSnap members in Australia.

Where are you moving to? Japan? If yes, help me find out job hours and job vacancies in Canon or Nikon. LOL!

Yeah you told me, sad really. All the Koreans, Phillipinos, Thais, Vietnamese and even Japanese people hang together. There's a Nikon factory in Thailand can or not? ;p

Where are you moving to? Japan? If yes, help me find out job hours and job vacancies in Canon or Nikon. LOL!

Are you kidding Jeremy? There are probably way more camera technicians in Japan than there are here in Oz. You are a rare talent here. In future you can set up you own shop and be the boss. Put up a sign 'the Doctor is IN'.

Are you kidding Jeremy? There are probably way more camera technicians in Japan than there are here in Oz. You are a rare talent here. In future you can set up you own shop and be the boss. Put up a sign 'the Doctor is IN'.

Well that would be true of Japan, but I think there could be vacancy for more since most camera manufacturers are Japanese. Think beyond Canon and Nikon. Korea might be another choice. I was also thinking of Germany if I get to learn Leica.

Apart from the strongly-protected proprietary calibration software, almost all of the instruments used for camera repair are too expensive for an individual to buy to set up a camera repair business. Hand tools are still affordable to buy, and the "hand skills" can be transportable to another country/continent.

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any good singaporean/malaysian restaurants in canberra?

There are a few but you will have to go and try to see if you like it.

Some might be more styled toward Australians.
Of course compared to back home quite different.

In Civic city,
Sammy's Kitchen is a classic strong hold (about 30years I think)

In Garran/Woden
Mamak Corner Restaurant (about 6 years)
This shop is opened by my old uni friend. a small family business. but more traditional malaysian food.

They are successful and soon (I think march this year) will be opening a 2nd one in Civic.
This time they are bringing in roti canai made fresh to the public :D

hope that helps.

that's great help, thanks very much. i'll probably drop into one of them this friday or sat when I am in canberra. i need to look for a place to live, looks like its a really nice place to live

thing I love abt canberra is the changing seasons... since i love scenery, the colour change esp in autumn is fantastic.

Some find canberra very quiet and boring.. hopefully you wont. hahahaha.
I love canberra. hopefully one day will return to the area though i visit very often.

Where is Civic City and Sammy's Kitchen? I did a Google search but couldn't find any info.

And darn this sudden spell of wet and gloomy weather. I was hoping to go on a short road trip to Great Ocean Road or Mornington Peninsula or somewhere before I start work next week. I still don't have a DSLR yet (darn it Panasonic, hurry up with the GH2 already!) but at least I could do sightseeing before I rejoin the rat-race.

There are a few but you will have to go and try to see if you like it.

Some might be more styled toward Australians.
Of course compared to back home quite different.

In Civic city,
Sammy's Kitchen is a classic strong hold (about 30years I think)

In Garran/Woden
Mamak Corner Restaurant (about 6 years)
This shop is opened by my old uni friend. a small family business. but more traditional malaysian food.

They are successful and soon (I think march this year) will be opening a 2nd one in Civic.
This time they are bringing in roti canai made fresh to the public :D

hope that helps.

Where is Civic City and Sammy's Kitchen? I did a Google search but couldn't find any info.

And darn this sudden spell of wet and gloomy weather. I was hoping to go on a short road trip to Great Ocean Road or Mornington Peninsula or somewhere before I start work next week. I still don't have a DSLR yet (darn it Panasonic, hurry up with the GH2 already!) but at least I could do sightseeing before I rejoin the rat-race.

Damn what a load of complaining, go back to Singapore! Just kidding :D

I'm wondering if the weather was good and you went to GOR how would you take photos without a DSLR yet as you say? Be patient, the place isn't going anywhere, get that DSLR or GH2 or IVF and watch the forecast. Most sundays are great and stay for sunset not sunrise, good luck!

Speaking of GOR I haven't seen Jemapela's photos of Victoria on CS, got any Jesus?

Speaking of GOR I haven't seen Jemapela's photos of Victoria on CS, got any Jesus?

I'm not good in landscape but better in photojournalism (images that speak or suggest a story about current affairs). I rarely post any photos on this forum because:

(1) I'm not very confident of my landscape photos.
(2) I haven't been doing frequent serious photography for some years now since I began repairing cameras and lenses.
(3) I prefer uploading photos on my own website and Facebook profile.

I uploaded photos of Sydney Mardi Gras before, in this thread I think. I strongly recommend all Singaporeans, Malaysians, Asians to see this eye-opening mind-liberating sexually-shameless nudity-uncensored public event. Be warned that conservative and religious persons may get recurrent nightmares and frequent bedwetting after watching. ;)

I'm not good in landscape but better in photojournalism (images that speak or suggest a story about current affairs). I rarely post any photos on this forum because:

(1) I'm not very confident of my landscape photos.
(2) I haven't been doing frequent serious photography for some years now since I began repairing cameras and lenses.
(3) I prefer uploading photos on my own website and Facebook profile.

I uploaded photos of Sydney Mardi Gras before, in this thread I think. I strongly recommend all Singaporeans, Malaysians, Asians to see this eye-opening mind-liberating sexually-shameless nudity-uncensored public event. Be warned that conservative and religious persons may get recurrent nightmares and frequent bedwetting after watching. ;)

You forgot to mention that your IR shots are pretty awesome!