Club 1000D- TCSS part III

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Dunnoooo leh....swat team confirm got hehehe

waah.. confirm he paparazzi the ppl inside.. use some nikon sigma L lens.. hahhaa.. bringing my girl there too...dunno wat time at swan lake? hehehe

can, but still not sure where / wat time to go. Esplanade have A Tapestry of Sacred Music.

i see the 500d, suddenly feel like the 1000d so backward in technology. technology is moving so fast for digital imaging, i think i better stick with my eos slr :lovegrin:

i see the 500d, suddenly feel like the 1000d so backward in technology. technology is moving so fast for digital imaging, i think i better stick with my eos slr :lovegrin:

yeah, the time i bought my raynox, the uncle at ms colour qouted they are selling at $1300, and u know la.. can always bargain with them ;)

yeah, the time i bought my raynox, the uncle at ms colour qouted they are selling at $1300, and u know la.. can always bargain with them ;)

NO! I shall not succumb. I :heart:my 1000D.

I wait for 600D :rolleyes:

Hey guys

Mahathir is back .. well sorta .. he heading to Bedok Reservoir for night SSS to destress haha .. anyone else wants to come along just meet at Tampines Interchange queue for bus #65.

gentle reminder to bring tripod if you coming. All those just back from ubin .. you might as well come since you are all packed up already .. hahahahahah.

Hey guys

Mahathir is back .. well sorta .. he heading to Bedok Reservoir for night SSS to destress haha .. anyone else wants to come along just meet at Tampines Interchange queue for bus #65.

gentle reminder to bring tripod if you coming. All those just back from ubin .. you might as well come since you are all packed up already .. hahahahahah.

haha. he text us when we just landed back on mainland singapore. and we went, wah?!? night shoot? cannot canot. cannot tahan liao. hahah

sibei siong....:embrass:

just something to share. coz i think most of you dont know where to rent your favorite lens.
this is the place that i have been doing my renting. its not the best and not the only one ard, but so far, no complains from me. prices are reasonable and service are good


just something to share. coz i think most of you dont know where to rent your favorite lens.
this is the place that i have been doing my renting. its not the best and not the only one ard, but so far, no complains from me. prices are reasonable and service are good


gee...i have nvr rent lens b4 cos i rather BBB! :devil: :bsmilie:

worth renting? based on some of the resale prices of lenses, one might be better of buying instead of renting?

unless the lens is exhorbitantly expensive or one is earning from photography and can charge the rental to the client.

just something to share. coz i think most of you dont know where to rent your favorite lens.
this is the place that i have been doing my renting. its not the best and not the only one ard, but so far, no complains from me. prices are reasonable and service are good


I rented L lenses from them. Reasonable pricing if you get bundle or for more than 1 day. :thumbsup:

I rented L lenses from them. Reasonable pricing if you get bundle or for more than 1 day. :thumbsup:

i have bought and sold lenses (2nd hand) for the price I got them for.

i guess it depends what lenses you needed.

Not only SSS but did mountain biking and trekking. Haha! :bsmilie:

wah seyy.. everyone was having fun..

and im feeling like this cat.. 'Gonna eat u up if you mess up!'



haha. he text us when we just landed back on mainland singapore. and we went, wah?!? night shoot? cannot canot. cannot tahan liao. hahah

sibei siong....:embrass:

Not only SSS but did mountain biking and trekking. Haha! :bsmilie:

Wa... Body aching nw!!! 1 2 die liao... :hung:

I just came home.. Walked with Ryu and raylen around changi boardwalk all that... haha... mega round about trip to see changi hospital from the street.. hehehe... Oh well it's fun.. HDR 's From me soon!

worth renting? based on some of the resale prices of lenses, one might be better of buying instead of renting?

unless the lens is exhorbitantly expensive or one is earning from photography and can charge the rental to the client.

for me, firstly its worth renting for the lens you are eye-ing on, those lens that you always wanted to call your own but not sure if its good enough. Hence renting would be your answer. At least you are a step closer to that dream of yours. :p

secondly, there are lens that is WAY WAY out of our reach in terms of cashing in to get one. So again, your answer would be renting a lens for a few short days.

the website i showed u guys is a business thing, more like a rental dvd shop similar to like eg. VideoEZ. but its rents lens. so you dont have to worry about being overcharged. whats more, calculate this. For example, you want to rent on monday. So you collect on sunday 2pm and return on tuesday 12pm. you get at least 2 days hardcore use of the lens and pay for one day rental.

And for them, if u rent 2 days, lets say for 1 day is 20 dollars, so 2 days is 40 right? they would give u discount of 10% i think, so u be paying ard 35? cheaper lah. so yeah.

thats all the pros. The only cons that i see is that you super better take care of that lens properly or else you end up paying them for the lens. Another one is that you have to self collect and self return to them. I have heard other rental company do delivery for u. hmm.

Thats my opinion. Its just something i am recommending.

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