change the word pls

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There is nothing wrong with this tag.
"irreverent" is the perfect word used.

TS is actually very happy with the word irreverent. He is just trying to emphasize this word and its meaning.

so now you can understand why i get so furious when i get infractions from you guys??

did i do anything wrong, according to the definition? LOLLL

infraction is in the eye of the beholder

so now you can understand why i get so furious when i get infractions from you guys??

did i do anything wrong, according to the definition? LOLLL

What your problem is you get too hard on the hard part but not soft enough on the soft part.:bsmilie:

What you need is a happy balance between hard and soft.:)

What you need is a happy balance between hard and soft.:)

Dear Master, your teaching is too deep for me. Can you explain how to do this?

What your problem is you get too hard on the hard part but not soft enough on the soft part.:bsmilie:

What you need is a happy balance between hard and soft.:)
Yes, master. Thkq for the enlightenment

Yes. Love to. Your place or mine? :bsmilie:

Master, I think I am not ready for this advanced practice. I will start with the basic Hard and Soft practice first. :sweat:

Master Sion will assist you in practice :bsmilie:

Yes. I will bring special equipments for you if you let me assist you::bsmilie:




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Guys, remember to keep within limit, pls

[Irreverent] is correctly used in kopitiam (subject to qualifier "with limits, of course").

[Irrelevant] is technically not applicable as by definition the kopitiam topics are all-encompassing.

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Well, what I understand is that they intended to mean "irrelevant" , which refers to anything not relevant to photography. But due to someone's confusion or lack of command of English or typo, chosen this word.

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