Canon EOS SLR system NEWBIE guide.

Depends on your budget for either one.

I was in the same position about 10 days ago and bought the 580EXII. My reason for buying it instead of the cheaper 430EX was that I needed the range that the 580EXii provided as opposed to the 430EX. Decided to get the best and not look back.

For your lens decision, as what xunjas mentioned, it's whatever you want to shoot. To me, the convenience of a fast telephoto zoom is all too much, and I'm shelling out to purchase the 70-200mm f/2.8IS within the year.

You probably can get the 70-200mm f/4L IS and the cheaper 50mm f/1.8II at the same time (if your budget allows) because the 50mm is priced cheaply at ~S$120. Inclusive of good filters and all, it'll probably cost you about S$2k (70-200, 50mm + 2 filters).

Hope this helps =)

n IS is very expensive, if u dun need IS, save the money instead.. 700 can buy additional lens..

Just a quick question. I have an old film EOS 500. Why wun the EF 18-55mm kit lens fit on the EOS 500 even if both are EF mounts?

the 18-55 kit lens is EFS not EF mount

Noobs Qns: will my battery and memory card spoil if i put in dry box ?

Nope.. Mine is in the dry box, together with the camera when I'm not using. :)

i mean power on the dry box need to power the box...otherwise the drying unit won't work...then it defeats the purpose of having a dry box? Haha....

gman need to power the box...otherwise the drying unit won't work...then it defeats the purpose of having a dry box? Haha....


ok i throw everythign insdie lol .. btw what is the best % or degree C to set at ?

ok i throw everythign insdie lol .. btw what is the best % or degree C to set at ?
What box are you using? By right you should have RH% around 40-45% for cameras...see your manual...but mine since i've not really accurately set the's at the factory default of around 28% RH...


I've set mine around 50% plus minus. The camera optimum percentage is between 40% to 45% but the lether strap and some other stuff i kept in the box could not tolerate too much dryness hence i set it to around 49% to 53%.

I've set mine around 50% plus minus. The camera optimum percentage is between 40% to 45% but the lether strap and some other stuff i kept in the box could not tolerate too much dryness hence i set it to around 49% to 53%.

i throw everything in memory card batt strap .. @ 35%

btw my 450D when i half pressed the shutter my flash keep flickering... is it normal ?

paperseal, if u were shooting under low light then it's perfectly normal. the flash helps the camera to auto focus. apart from focusing, if you are shooting a portrait, the flash also helps preventing red eye.

paperseal, if u were shooting under low light then it's perfectly normal. the flash helps the camera to auto focus. apart from focusing, if you are shooting a portrait, the flash also helps preventing red eye.

btw my 450D when i half pressed the shutter my flash keep flickering... is it normal ?

so the flickering is normal ?

so the flickering is normal ?
Yupp perfectly's to aid the camera when there's low light...kinda fun to play with it though..haha..


so the flickering is normal ?

like i say, if you are shooting in dim lights, then it is perfectly normal. For example, you were taking photos of your friends in MOS, your friends wasn't well illuminated, then the camera would have to flash at your friend so that it could focus on them.

However, if you are shooting under bright sun light and your camera still flickers, then something is wrong. :)

like i say, if you are shooting in dim lights, then it is perfectly normal. For example, you were taking photos of your friends in MOS, your friends wasn't well illuminated, then the camera would have to flash at your friend so that it could focus on them.

However, if you are shooting under bright sun light and your camera still flickers, then something is wrong. :)

Yupp perfectly's to aid the camera when there's low light...kinda fun to play with it though..haha..

ok thanks bros thanks , understand now :)