Canon EOS 450D Club -TCSS Lim Kopi Session: Season 2

Not open for further replies. qizai got a buddy liao...:cry:

hope they can get along well...;p

Where did you get it.


shop from tampines 1...;)

Finished painting my room yesterday. Managed to squeeze 2 big tables into my car. :bsmilie:

Now i have a huge table with lots of space and easy access to my camera gears.:thumbsup:

Sorry couldn't make it the other day for the fire works shoot. Just couldn't paint finish on time. The wall kept absorbing the paint, due to the dark, versus new light colour. Took me about 3 coats to reach perfection.


Huh?what colour did you paint for your room?
The new colour is Beige. I did 2 tonings. I had an existing colour of a slightly dark blue. I had under coat. Base coat and Final Coat, To make the colour nice and outstanding.


Finished painting my room yesterday. Managed to squeeze 2 big tables into my car. :bsmilie:

Now i have a huge table with lots of space and easy access to my camera gears.:thumbsup:

Sorry couldn't make it the other day for the fire works shoot. Just couldn't paint finish on time. The wall kept absorbing the paint, due to the dark, versus new light colour. Took me about 3 coats to reach perfection.


shw us a pic of ur room....:)

hmm....but will u? :think:

shw us a pic of ur room....:)

hmm....but will u? :think:
Yeah sure. Now that i have easy access to my gear, it's easier. I forgot to take the picture with my old room setup. Haha. It's dark now. So i'll take it after it rains. I know it's an excuse. Haha. Should be up tomorrow. Still need to clear some mess. Haha.


just came back from a shoot... raining damn heavy!!
anyway, later i meeting a couple in Sembawang, wanna lim kopi somewhere ard there?

Down with flu, otherwise lim kopi on raining day best lah....

anyone interested, do PM me with your hp, will call u after meetup with couple.
alse, u can do some searching of my profile to get my hp.

anyone interested, do PM me with your hp, will call u after meetup with couple.
alse, u can do some searching of my profile to get my hp.

what time?

it was really ncie this afternoon until like 3ish then it started downpouring ahaha...the weather at sentosa changed so quickly

pics pls....

if u wanna clean it...u can try Dis..

But do it at ur own risk hor... :bsmilie:

Recommend for me to send to canon service center to check?
Got free cleaning for fungus or dust? :D

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