Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8 USM L IS II review

I have a question concerning Canon 1.4x and 2x lens extenders to be used with a Canon 75-300mm USM lens.

I am a NEWBIE and I am still to figure out how I may create a new post.

Can anyone help me create a new post?

Thank you

There's a "New Thread" button in the Canon subforum! Below "Canon Exhilaration Of Sight" and Above "Threads in Forum : Canon"
Hope this sorta helps.

Thank you for your message. Greatly appreciated.

I found "Canon Exhilaration Of Sight" but I have not been able to find "New Thread" above "Threads in Forum : Canon".

I have "Thread Tools" "Search this Thread" "Rate Thread" only!!

Sorry but Not sure where else to look!!