Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8 USM L IS II review

I think we should stop this Canon lenses vs Nikon lenses debate. Pls focus the discussion on Canon lenses as this is the Canon discussion thread.

I agree with Tony, no point debating about Canon & Nikon's offering. Both have their advantages, if you are happy with what you have just stick with it else anyone is free to switch or get another system.

Huh?? You obviously missed that 7D bitch fest.....


Being a new member, he obviously has no idea what I have been through and what I think of Canon's QC. :)

Perhaps he needs to convince himself why switching from Canon to Nikon is a good move.

17-55 Nikon has better IQ and is better built

Not according to Canon 17-55 f/2.8 IS vs Nikon 17-55 f/2.8. Better built but lacks VR... and the price is atrocious.

24-70 Nikon wins hands down for similar reasons

Well, Canon hasn't released an update to their old version. And the N24-70 most certainly does not perform at all like their 14-24. More importantly, like their DX 17-55 f/2.8 lens, it does not come with VR even though they JUST updated the lens recently.

16-35 Distortion aside which can be corrected and isn't obvious unless you force it, it's much sharper than Canon's f2.8

True if you are impressed with Nikon 16-35 when their extreme edge performance at 16 mm is half that of the center at f/2.8. At f/4, Canon's f/2.8 is a little bit better. But ultimately, the yardstick is still Nikon's own 14-24 f/2.8 which is untouchable for an ultrawide.

Honestly, if not for the lenses I own and their untouchable performance by APS-C standards, I will have switched long ago. Too bad there is nothing as good as the 10-22, 17-55 f/2.8 IS, 70-200 f/4 IS and 100 f/2.8 HIS macro in terms of performance and functionality in other camps. Nothing.

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saw 1 last thursday at songbrothers simlim for S$3400. not sure if before or after gst.:think:

i just called cathay.. they quoted me 3.7K :( also they dont have stock :p called MS also dont have.

Honestly, if not for the lenses I own and their untouchable performance by APS-C standards, I will have switched long ago. Too bad there is nothing as good as the 10-22, 17-55 f/2.8 IS, 70-200 f/4 IS and 100 f/2.8 HIS macro in terms of performance and functionality in other camps. Nothing.


I agree with Doodah, Canon has a pretty good APS-C line up. My nikon totting friend always bemoans Nikkor 17-55’s lack of stabilisation, and less sharp than Canon’s version, despite costing 30% more.

Ken Rockwell also mentioned before if he had to switch to Canon APS-C it would absolutely be because of the 10-22, which in his book is the best of the APS-C ultra wides.

Of course, he hasn’t tested the new Sigma 8-16 yet. That one looks promising thou.

another review which shows very positive lens performance :thumbsup::thumbsup:

this lens would be one of those must have lenses definitely

good review :) but hard to get the lens no stock always :(

saving money for this lens ;p

saving money for this lens ;p

And pray that the availability will be a little bit better.. haha :) been waiting this lens for almost 3 weeks :( sigh.. itchy hahaha though am only checking one store thats MSC in ang mo kio.. might go other store soon.. but i doubt if they have called 3 stores already today also dont have.

Try Slr Revo at Funan.

I got mine from them in less than 2 weeks. :)

El loco. Care to share how much you paid for yours ? I'm considering grabbing one when i come back to Singapore in July.

$3424 all in. Got it end of april.

Its expensive but really worth it..

$3424 all in. Got it end of april.

Its expensive but really worth it..

Did you place a reservation for it or just walk-in? I understand that you have to place a reservation and be in the waiting list before you can get it as the stock is really limited.

S$3424 is tempting, S$3200 only if i can claim gst...

Hi, The lens as quoted is usable on both FF and APS-C.