Canon 60D Price Reference

And thinking of getting The 60D with the 17-85mm lens , How much does it costs ?

Yes, I am thinking of getting a 60D with the kit II. I wonder if any one of you bros has checked out a good deal so far. Cause the last time I checked rep shops only left with the body which is $1420 +/-..

This will be my very first SLR. Am planning to get myself 60d with kit 1. Went scotting around and the cheapest have got was for 1599 kit 1 with 8gb card,bag,tripod and a extra battery. I think its a good deal. Any comments?

cbr1000rr said:
This will be my very first SLR. Am planning to get myself 60d with kit 1. Went scotting around and the cheapest have got was for 1599 kit 1 with 8gb card,bag,tripod and a extra battery. I think its a good deal. Any comments?

That's a good deal. Where is it?

How do you guys go about getting the free tripod? The shop said that I have to register the product online and collect personally from Canon but after registering, the website didn't mention anything about the tripod. Can I just bring the warranty card to Canon and redeem it?

Print your your online registration confirmation and bring it along with your warranty card to CSC to claim the tripod.

Hi Guys,

i'm planning to get 60D as a gift. however, i'm not sure about all the difference lens itself etc.

can someone tell me what's the difference between all lenses and in your opinion, which lens should i purchase?


A kit lens is a good starter...
Pls look on another sticky forum..
Kit lens is 18-55/18-135 and 18/200