Canon 24-70 F2.8L IS

well its a prediction on my part. i really do hope they upgrade the 50 1.4. its such a fabulous lens but the micro USM and fragile AF are a turn off.

well its a prediction on my part. i really do hope they upgrade the 50 1.4. its such a fabulous lens but the micro USM and fragile AF are a turn off.

Yep, still sticking with the 50 1.8.

i highly doubt the 50 1.2 will be updated. it was only launched in 2007. canon has other L primes to update first. there were rumors that 1.4 may get the update though. and the 35L II is expected to be launched nxt yr too. that is the prime i will be watching.

Don't mind the 35L M2 as well:bsmilie:

24-70L is notorious for sharpness issues at the wider ender, as well as AF problems. Some of the pros I spoke to in UK also told me the same problem and somehow images aren't just as crisp.

If 24-70 is a different lens recipe altogether or improved like those new Nikon glass, I really won't mind getting it since it's for work. Other than that, I really don't see how IS is going to help, seriously.

Frankly I am also hoping they will update the 50/1.2, I have this lens and am loving it, but if they could improve the sharpness of the lens wide open to the same level as the 85 1.2 or 35 1.4, it would be heavenly.... But knowing Canon, they won't do it.

Frankly I am also hoping they will update the 50/1.2, I have this lens and am loving it, but if they could improve the sharpness of the lens wide open to the same level as the 85 1.2 or 35 1.4, it would be heavenly.... But knowing Canon, they won't do it.

Such a love-hate relationship! :)

chopper...hehe. oh well, is it safe to say that canon has so many lenses that this negatively impacts on their upgrade plans? lol...there are quite a number of non-L primes too that need more updates than the 35L, 24L, 85L. the 28mm primes shld be given an update soon. cuz the 50mm equivalent of an aps-c body is 31mm, and 28 is the closest thing canon has to that. oh well...

My friend told me that with the IS system is a very bad idea as it will led to higher repair cost if the IS FAILS and my friend's all his lens are non IS lens.....

My friend told me that with the IS system is a very bad idea as it will led to higher repair cost if the IS FAILS and my friend's all his lens are non IS lens.....

get extended warranty for the lenses? i usually purchase extended warranty for my lenses..

serious?! but IS is so useful...

My friend told me that with the IS system is a very bad idea as it will led to higher repair cost if the IS FAILS and my friend's all his lens are non IS lens.....
Then, I am sure your friend is also shooting MF since AF is also more expensive to repair than non-AF lenses? :bsmilie:

IS is there for a reason. At my age and with the heavy lens and long focal length, IS is the only way I can get reasonable sharp photos.

heh heh...well everyone has their own rationales for choosing certain things.

Miss the IS on 17-55. 24-70 definitely has longer rich and better image quality but most of the time fails to take sharp images under low light conditions.

serious? i never tested the 24-70 in lowlight before. den why did u part with the 17-55?

serious? i never tested the 24-70 in lowlight before. den why did u part with the 17-55?

He probably shifted to full frame like me.

Losing that 17-55 2.8 IS was hard :D IS just allowed me to take nice shots at 1/15 and 1/10.
They weren't super sharp, but I still get surprised when i look at my exif and see that a decent shot was taken at slow shutter levels.

This is why i got the 24-105 instead of the 24-70. on a 5d2, it has the same low light ability as a 17-55 on the 7D and i still get to have IS.

I did discover that with F4 aperture, AF is kinda blind in lowlight so I picked up an old 220ex purely for infrared AF assist :lol: Its super fast now.

24-70L is notorious for sharpness issues at the wider ender, as well as AF problems. Some of the pros I spoke to in UK also told me the same problem and somehow images aren't just as crisp.

If 24-70 is a different lens recipe altogether or improved like those new Nikon glass, I really won't mind getting it since it's for work. Other than that, I really don't see how IS is going to help, seriously.

Agree with this

From the rumors... updated primes! ;)

200 f/2L IS NO
300 f/2.8L IS YES
400 f/2.8L IS YES
500 f/4L IS YES
600 f/4L IS YES
800 f/5.6L IS NO about the shorter focal length....anyway these super teles should be given the latest IS like the 200 and the 800mm lens. Wonder what is the new hood design....can I exchange my current hood for the new hood? :bsmilie: