Canon 24-70 F2.8L IS

Thats y i got myself a 50 F1.8 to trial out the effect of using a prime lens and if i can get use to a prime...i'll most prolly invest in faster wide like F1.4 as mine is 1.6 crop body.

At the same time after shooting a few days of F1.8 in my room for my babies, i'm also worried that i'll be " spoiled " by the shutter speed allowance of F1.8 so much + the light weight.....that i'll curse and swear at the heavy weight + size of 24-70 and yet doesn't allow me shoot at a faster shutter speed if i get even the newer version of 24-70 IS espcially when i'm moving around low light i'm thinking....haha

if u are willing to pay almost $3k for sure u will have no problem investing in the 35L. =) light, compact and it is f/1.4L. u can consider 24 f/1.4L II too. all same price category. they produce fantastic images.

I have the 24-70, and I hope the new 24-70 IS is lousy so I won't be tempted to replace my current lens because I love it so much lol. Will Canon discountinue the 24-70 non-IS once the IS version comes out? I hope they don't...
the EF 70-200mm f/2.8 and f/4 have IS and non-IS variants. giving more options to customers can't be a bad thing unless sales figures prove otherwise.

if u are willing to pay almost $3k for sure u will have no problem investing in the 35L. =)
the thing is not everybody wants to be stuck to a single focal length.

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With these premium lenses, it is better to have more choices so most likely 24-70 f/2.8 will still be in production similar to 70-200's IS and non-IS variants...

Cannot afford the higher price IS version, then go for the non-IS lor...

each has his/her own preferences.. i always travel with 24-70 and 70-200.. 24-70 is always mounted on my body unless i need to zoom in from far, then i'll change to the 70-200..

i'm fine with the weight though.. maybe i have been exercising enough to keep myself fit to carry the heavy load.. :bsmilie:

do you really need IS for the 24-70?
after all it has f/2.8 and the focal length is only 70mm max
I agree this guy is heavy, but i personally dont see the need for IS., even at 70mm.

as most said, it wld be nice to have IS for that extra 3-4 stops without the need for tripod. lol...reuters, my theory on heavy lenses is: carry the heavy lenses while u still can, cuz when age catches up u may not get to do that anymore. haha! but then again, the bulk is irritating. it just feels weird bringing the 24-70 to a family dinner. =/ well thats for me. a lot ppl will turn and look...

i'm with you on this. dont see the need for IS. My copy is super sharp on the 5d2 body, really no need for IS.

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do you really need IS for the 24-70?
after all it has f/2.8 and the focal length is only 70mm max
I agree this guy is heavy, but i personally dont see the need for IS., even at 70mm.
as much as someone "really needs" IS for EF-S 18-55mm or 17-55mm...

Need or not is subjective and depending on the individual. Does it "help" regardless? I certainly think so.

well its a good to have thing. eliminates the need for a tripod doing walkabout at night.

well its a good to have thing. eliminates the need for a tripod doing walkabout at night.

try capturing nice light trails or smooth water flow hand held with a non- IS 24-70 :)

Also, without IS your are always forced to use 2.8 and have a shallow depth of field (handheld). Sometimes you want the narrower aperture when there are more subjects (that are still) or when shooting scenery.

yup...precisely. but different ppl haf different needs and styles of shooting. i know some ppl generally love to shoot at f/2.8 or faster because they just love the look of it. and i am one of them. haha! i'll only stop down for group photos, scenery/landscape etc. otherwise...f2.8 or faster on my prime.

yup...precisely. but different ppl haf different needs and styles of shooting. i know some ppl generally love to shoot at f/2.8 or faster because they just love the look of it. and i am one of them. haha! i'll only stop down for group photos, scenery/landscape etc. otherwise...f2.8 or faster on my prime.

i did find out by accident that a 2.8 aperture for group shots taken a bit far away actually makes them look like action figures . subjects are't sharp but looks pretty cool.especially when they are wearing colorful clothes :D

lol nice! i like those kinda effect. lol!

try capturing nice light trails or smooth water flow hand held with a non- IS 24-70 :)

Also, without IS your are always forced to use 2.8 and have a shallow depth of field (handheld). Sometimes you want the narrower aperture when there are more subjects (that are still) or when shooting scenery.

yah.. i think IS will always be useful if tripod cannot be used due to certain circumstances.. it will be popular for most people.. but not the price.. :bsmilie:

price will always be a problem. if not for the price, i wld have gotten 35L and ditch the 50 f/1.4. im kinda turned off by the "if u heng you will haf no problems, if not...just too bad" reputation 50 f1.4 has.

i dont think they will. thats why the price of the 24-70 IS will be steeper than the 24-70, just so that canon can make more moolah. if they plan to stop production for the 24-70 they will wait for quite some time...let the public get adjusted/accepted to the price of the 24-70IS...den stop the production of the 24-70. so til then, i believe the 24-70 will remain in production. i'll be quite interested to know about 24-105 II and 70-200 f/2.8 IS II too...the 70-200 f/2.8 IS is such a popular lens, i don't understand why canon wants to make a replacement for that lens? i wonder how much better wld it get? i'm expecting prices of that lens to hit $3.5k. sad.

I think the 70-200 f2.8 IS II will have Canon's newest Hybrid IS, and they will probably work hard to improve the sharpness to at least match the sharpness of the 70-200 f4 non-IS. The 16-35 f2.8 II is sharper than the 16-35 f2.8 I. The reason why Canon decides to release the 70-200 f2.8 IS II is due to its popularity imo.

inside a hdb flat...or a typical SG apartment...unless ur room is facing the morning sun...f/2.8 won't suffice. u will still need flash.

Haha actually, depending on how dim the location you're photographing at is, f2.8 may suffice, if you use ISO 1600 or higher, unless of course you're very anal about sharpness and noise.

cool. i'm not anal about 50D is just not good at high

Everyone say it with me.... IS is not only for photo but for video as well.

The Canon SLR market has expanded to videographers and indie filmmakers looking for a nice alternate solution in HD. 100L IS and now 24/70 IS.