Camera-seller's favourite tricks

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I shure am glad I don't sell camera's there !!!

If that is the general way that camera sales people work :bigeyes:

Here, where I work, I can give a definate NO to all of the points listed :thumbsup:

Cheers :)

If you are in Australia ... come and see me ... I will look after you :thumbsup:
Come in wearing jeans or a suite

I make no judgement :thumbsup:

If you want something I will sell it to you with no extra charges or less charges that depend on how you wish to pay.

If you want a 7D or a 700D, or lens, or 4GB card, or a lowepro case ... it makes no difference to me.

I will give you the best deal I can offer.

If you come in naked .... I may want to take a minute to think about it :bsmilie:

Personally I look at it that you want something...I have it ...I want to sell it to you.

There is no reason to alter my price from my best price because you look poor !

I trust you all do well and expect the same treatment where ever you are :thumbsup:

Cheers :)

3. If customer is walk-in, see how he dress and talk whether rich anot.

A friend who sold handphones at Singtel told me that there's a certain level of accuracy in judging a person by the way he dresses. Usually if the person dresses lok-kok, he would just buy a cheap handphone.

I want to buy the apple, give me a good price.
Seller: Why don't you try the orange, better price, better feature and got free vitamin C.
Nope, I just want the apple.
Seller: But but but..... and and and.
Read my lips, I only want to buy the damn apple. Aaappppllleeee, not but and ands. :sweat:

"tell them if box not sealed (ie it is not opened in front of you) you will not buy'

If you test the camera, the box will be opened. what if you decided not to buy after testing?
The next customer will not have a chance to test...

"tell them if box not sealed (ie it is not opened in front of you) you will not buy'

If you test the camera, the box will be opened. what if you decided not to buy after testing?
The next customer will not have a chance to test...
I test after I pay and test in front of the salesperson. I tell him/her that is what I am going to do and he has to replace if something is wrong. Is that fair enough?
I dont try for the sake of trying - I try to make sure I am not getting a lemon.
If you want to try before you buy, go try at some shop who like you to try.
By the way I dont need to try at the shop. :) I can go to service center and play.

A friend who sold handphones at Singtel told me that there's a certain level of accuracy in judging a person by the way he dresses. Usually if the person dresses lok-kok, he would just buy a cheap handphone.

I dun face discrimination whenever I walk into any shop and I am in berm and tee with slippers. :)

A friend who sold handphones at Singtel told me that there's a certain level of accuracy in judging a person by the way he dresses. Usually if the person dresses lok-kok, he would just buy a cheap handphone.

dress lok-kok with pockets full of orange colour notes still get that treatment ... hm ... ? :thumbsup:

I test after I pay and test in front of the salesperson. I tell him/her that is what I am going to do and he has to replace if something is wrong. Is that fair enough?
I dont try for the sake of trying - I try to make sure I am not getting a lemon.
If you want to try before you buy, go try at some shop who like you to try.
By the way I dont need to try at the shop. :) I can go to service center and play.

yes and no to this.
if someone is a total newbie to the dslr thingy, he surely want to try everything. those familiar with it dont need to try.

hence i think for testing and trying out should be given more to entry level camera. those high end camera like d3, d700, 1ds...(anything above 4k) can dun test. not all shops can afford to purchase camera for displays

A friend who sold handphones at Singtel told me that there's a certain level of accuracy in judging a person by the way he dresses. Usually if the person dresses lok-kok, he would just buy a cheap handphone.
That's just pure discrimination at its best. Its a disease. An incurable one. How sad.

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