Calling Senior Citizen Clubsnap Members

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Great! In fact I was thinking of Chinatown as well. How about 1st May (Public Holiday?) otherwise it's got to be on a Sunday (6th May?) for me. I won't be able to meet on weekdays.:)

And your picture is nice. Somehow B&W gives the remote places a sense of "past" and things old.

Hi dogcom.....I'm ok with the outing. May I suggest meeting up in Chinatown. Lots of coffeeshops and photo taking opportunities there. And to keep the thread going, here is one taken at the West Street in Yangshuo, China.

Hi! just happen to 'pop' by
I no senior citizen yet after seeing all those wonderful picture:thumbsup: i suggest that this thread to be rename to GOLDEN CITIZEN CLUB :D

yea I like that! I don't feel very comfortable with the word "Senior". I feel it gives a sort of superiority complex and snobbishness. Just my thought.:cool:

Hi! just happen to 'pop' by
I no senior citizen yet after seeing all those wonderful picture:thumbsup: i suggest that this thread to be rename to GOLDEN CITIZEN CLUB :D

Here are some pictures taken last week at Chiang Mai, haze there terrible.


wow! nice shot! if crop in further would be nice!


Above 40 can lah potential "senior citizen", so become "junior senior citizen"

I am just over 40 but my wife already calling me "old man". So can I join?:bsmilie:

Of course you can join Fuji Olykon, I think anybody above 40 should be able to.
Here are some photos taken recently at Port Dickson and Malacca.





We need to meet guys - Chinatown, when? which kopytiam?

Nice sharp images you have, Cecil.
Will be free on Sunday 29th April.

yes Sunday 29th April at Chinatown, venue? time? others?

1. Cecil
2. Bcool
3. Redsorm

Hey clubgrit,
You are not senior citizen yet but eye sight failing already ah? It's on SUNDAY lah not SAT.
I can make it but not between 1.30 - 4.30pm.

Although I am not yet a senior citizen in the technical sense, unfortunately can't make it on Sat ... maybe another time for sure ...

Clubgrit, by virtue of your failing eyesight, you're honorary senior citizen.:)
Ok how about Sunday 29th April 4.45pm? which part of chinatown which kopytiam?

I find most of the members here either don't log-in to CS regularly or when they do, they hardly post anything here. It would be very difficult to gauge the interest of members if we intend to organise any gathering; which so far we haven't. This is just my personal observation. I may be wrong about it. However, in order to keep the communication channel open and for easy accessibility among each other especially for gathering, I would like to propose that we keep a list of handphone no. of each other. I don't mind to start the ball rolling and do the consolidation of the numbers and SMS them to each and every members here. For a start, please PM me your handphone no. and I will update your list as soon as a member send his to me. With the nos. we hope to kick start our first gathering proposed on 29 Apr otherwise it is very unlikely to materialise. When u PM me, besides your handphone no., please indicate your nick and real name. Thanks.:)

Hi Redstorm,
I've pm you.

Sunday 29th April
Location : Coffee shop next to Yum Cha (Tim Sum) Restuarant?
1. Cecil
2. Bcool
3. Redsorm
4. dogcom

Hi redstorm
Had sent my pp to you.
4.30pm is fine with me.
But need help with the location of the venue.

Sunday 29th April
Location : Coffee shop next to Yum Cha (Tim Sum) Restuarant?
1. Cecil
2. Bcool
3. Redsorm
4. dogcom

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