Buying an Imac now. Leopard?

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Yeah... I just got the new MacBook Pro. The LED screen is brighter, and use less power... cool. Rumour is that the next big revision is for the iMac series, and that it will be out on 7th Aug.

Yes, the new MacBook Pro really is good. It's the first Apple laptop computer that I've tried that responds extremely quickly.

The iMacs, a new keyboard similar to/based on the MacBook keyboard, and the new iPod, and maybe a surprise thing on the 7th. The way that Steve Jobs was talking at WWDC, it should be quite a 12 months with some impressive machines but he always has some strong words.

If leopard is released in Oct, will Singapore get it in Oct or have to wait till few months after Oct?

It's supposed to be a worldwide launch since everyone has waited almost 24 months.

iMacs were updated today with Santa Rosa chipset and faster processors, including the availability of an upgrade to Core 2 Duo Extreme and newer ATI graphics hardware.

They have a metallic look, new keyboard, glossy displays.

iWork, iLife, and Mac mini were finally updated, also. The 17 inch iMac was dropped.

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