Best prices for epl2

tomcat said:
Since it's Chinese New Year, I decided to buy a E-PL2 in auspicious red colour with twin kit lenses so that people would feel that they would be lucky (and happy) to be 'shot' by me with such an auspicious camera during the CNY holiday period. ;)

Like Christmasy CDs that are dug out every Christmas, the red coloured E-PL2 would come in handy during every CNY from now on.

By the way, it seems that many people have the same idea and the red coloured sets are completely out of stock according to Olympus Singapore.

Happy Chinese New Year to one and all at Clubsnap ! :)

Nice auspicious red, congrats :)

They come in 4,red, black, silver and white

BTW uncle Tomcat, I personally like red out of the four, but I'll buy silver if I were looking to buy the E-PL2 :D
One reason why I got the red one is because I don't have a red colored camera. Another reason is Panasonic's fault for not bringing in the red GF2. :( Had to buy the white GF2 instead and was still left with the itch to buy a red camera. :confused:

I think they don't have silver ... But they have a gold which is more like champagne colored... Almost silver like. Not very nice in my opinion.

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One reason why I got the red one is because I don't have a red colored camera. Another reason is Panasonic's fault for not bringing in the red GF2. :( Had to buy the white GF2 instead and was still left with the itch to buy a red camera. :confused:

:bsmilie: I can describe the red E-PL2 in 1 word, sexy :D

wonglp said:
Just went Funan, here's some update:
Slr revo; 897 for SLK, 8gb, 1122 for TLK.,8gb. But only gold(though it looks silver) left.
Challenger; 899 for SLK, 8gb, Lens cleaner, screen protector. 1180 for TLK, 2x 8gb and cleaner, protector.

Harvey ; 928 SLK best price, freebies sam as challenger. Din bother TLK price...

Think TLK price is good at slr, since it's with m43 40-150, faster quieter AF...

Thanks for the excellent report :)

HM TLK at RRP with 8GB and Oly case. Not for EPL2 but some camcorder I think. Sticker says $150 but doubt it's worth even 1/3 of that.... Buy at Millennium Walk got $30 free voucher. Probably good for those who want extended warranty.

does it come with body alone?...
thinking of getting it with the 9-18...
btw hw muchie for the m43 9-18 ?... thanks!

Looks like don't have body only kit yet. But you can always sell the MSC kit away. It's an interesting lens that should have a second hand market.

Bro, is the EVF included in the package ?

Since it's Chinese New Year, I decided to buy a E-PL2 in auspicious red colour with twin kit lenses so that people would feel that they would be lucky (and happy) to be 'shot' by me with such an auspicious camera during the CNY holiday period. ;)

Like Christmasy CDs that are dug out every Christmas, the red coloured E-PL2 would come in handy during every CNY from now on.

By the way, it seems that many people have the same idea and the red coloured sets are completely out of stock according to Olympus Singapore.


Happy Chinese New Year to one and all at Clubsnap ! :)

Bro, is the EVF included in the package ?
No lah. It was bundled with my EP2 kit. One of the advantages the EPL2 has over the GF2 is its ability to use this wonderful EVF. :)

tomcat said:
No lah. It was bundled with my EP2 kit. One of the advantages the EPL2 has over the GF2 is its ability to use this wonderful EVF. :)

Hi bro tomcat,
Nice marketing for Olympus there! Been browsing some other mirrorless threads and it seems u own multiple brands (sony nex & samsung nx), what's ur 1st thoughts of epl2 vs others?
2 main reasons for sticking to oly is the jpg colors and evf.

Happy new year to u!

One more update: ms color 1130 for TLK + 8gb, 910 for SLK + 8gb. Cash only. All
Colors available! Open till 2pm tmrw...will drop by to buy if can find time...poison is in my blood liaozzzz haha.

blurboiboi said:
red one available too?... wow... must resist!... heehee

Dun resist lah! Help boost sgp economy!
Din ask specific red, she did say have all colors. That's as of 4pm today. Give them a call @ 6457 6380 tmrw morning to check. Best if Florence is there. Opening hrs is only 11-3pm. Almost bought from slr rev ytd if only they have my colors.
I will use this post to ask for further discount, kekeke

Any more price update? Thanks

anter said:
Any more price update? Thanks

Checked out harvey norman funan just now:
E-pl2 twin lens kit with 8gb sdhc $1169 cash
If take "package" at $1248, comes with extra 3rd party battery, bag, tripod, 8gb sdhc, screen protector, cleaning kit.

Looks like ms color has better deal for twin lens kit

Any bro here know where to get good deal in HK for E-PL2? A friend will be going next week and so thinking to ask her to buy and bring back for me. Thanks!

Checked out harvey norman funan just now:
E-pl2 twin lens kit with 8gb sdhc $1169 cash
If take "package" at $1248, comes with extra 3rd party battery, bag, tripod, 8gb sdhc, screen protector, cleaning kit.

Looks like ms color has better deal for twin lens kit

Thanks for the info...!

Was at JB last weekend and offered abt $700 for body only. With slk abt $890. Cathay offered $850 body only. No freebies I think. JB had only black and white. Me looking at red. Was tempted to get the one on display at TK with 17 mm but weary abt it having been fondled by many. Asked south asia. $928 w 8 gb, screen prot n extra original batt. Asked the salesgirl to check for me the availability of a red set. Will know only on Mon. Just nice for my birthday on that day.

I went to Funan challenger to check the price for Epl-2 single lens kit, the staff quote me $870 payment by cash and there will be freebies provided.
didn't ask what freebies, as i am not really interested in the freebies. i will most likely be buying it at the end of the month. the guy said he quote this price
is because he doesn't want to waste my time going around to check price from other shop. anyone know how much is SLR revolution selling?

I went to Funan challenger to check the price for Epl-2 single lens kit, the staff quote me $870 payment by cash and there will be freebies provided.
didn't ask what freebies, as i am not really interested in the freebies. i will most likely be buying it at the end of the month. the guy said he quote this price
is because he doesn't want to waste my time going around to check price from other shop. anyone know how much is SLR revolution selling?
For a single lens kit, that would be the cheapest price ever in Singapore. Better grab a few sets before he changes his mind. Keep one and sell the rest at a higher price still got people buy. ;)