Beginner Shooters part 1 -TCSS Thread

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anybody want to catch the sunset at bedok reservoir tml night? :D
last minute outing HAHAA
by me :p ~

just finish shooting bedok reservoir..
with talks with the uncles fishing there LOL!!

just finish shooting bedok reservoir..
with talks with the uncles fishing there LOL!!


Anyway,next Mon is sch holiday.Anyone wants to go Bukit Timah King Albert Park KTM stn?Last Fri rain so must find another day to go:sweat:

Cleon, better enjoy your Sec 3 life and cherish it, but not to forget to study hard and master your Sec 3 topics, else it may be quite late for you to prepare for your O levels next year. I'm now so tied up with work that I think I got to revise til 2am at night.


Anyway,next Mon is sch holiday.Anyone wants to go Bukit Timah King Albert Park KTM stn?Last Fri rain so must find another day to go:sweat:

next week i may start working liao ):

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