B*stards bullying Singapore ah pek

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I think the whole debatable issue rests upon the way those brits made fun of the old man. But maybe it's a differnce in culture. The respect for elders is not as strong for Caucasians as for us Asians. And ang mohs can get really crazy sometimes which to us is just disrespectful.

Whenever I travel to the West, I never fail to meet Caucasians who shout for no reason or talk loudly in the middle of the street at night. I hardly see such behavior happening here. They love to party, they love freedom for speech, maybe that's why. They say whatever they want. They get terribly drunk and they think that's fun.

In the Singapore context, what those chaps did on Youtube is a big No-no. I think it looks darn disrespectful and silly in our culture.

It's a front page new in today's New Paper. That 3 ******* did not pay the old man afterall. They left in a Taxi. Let us see what is the reaction from our Goverment. I wonder what will happen if this happen in other country. The people there probably protest outside the Bristish Embassy and demand Judgement for their countryman.

Godwin's law strikes again (pretty quick too - do a search on "Godwin's law" if you don't know that the hell I'm talking about).

As an aside before it gets locked...

wildstallion and Hawaiisg - be mindful that you bloody Poms (wildstallion) and you bloody Yanks (Hawaiisg) may have different moral perceptions to the Singaporeans here (and I'm a bloody Aussie) and what you may not find very rude or offensive, others may think otherwise.

Did we insult you personally? No need to go name calling :thumbsd:

It's a front page new in today's New Paper. That 3 ******* did not pay the old man afterall. They left in a Taxi. Let us see what is the reaction from our Goverment. I wonder what will happen if this happen in other country. The people there probably protest outside the Bristish Embassy and demand Judgement for their countryman.

will the British Embassy apologies for these 3 naughty men ?

It's a front page new in today's New Paper. That 3 ******* did not pay the old man afterall. They left in a Taxi. Let us see what is the reaction from our Goverment. I wonder what will happen if this happen in other country. The people there probably protest outside the Bristish Embassy and demand Judgement for their countryman.

why? Are you or anyone else gonna organize a lynch mob to hunt down the 3 of them?

...simply put, be nice

Yep, and a fine thing to advocate

that's al i said

Not quite...

i'm sorry but i'm not seeing any bullying......
and you went on to talk about haggling...

Just wanted to point out to you that the sequence where they all got off started to board the taxi, and the old man was running around to each one of them with his hand out begging and each one said they had no money, so the old man was worried he wasn't going to get paid - I think this is the reason why most people here would call it bullying or at least rude to an elderly man.

End of the day, no one is playing the race card nor is there an intense hatred or dislike for "poms" and "yanks" However having said that... do examine your own actions before you start saying that everyone is against you.

You go to some other country, label it less developed, throw your weight around and put down everyone with your "we whites are superior, you asians are just too stupid to understand it" mentality. Are you not asking for it?

Its the same for us Singaporeans.... we go to Malaysia and we start to throw our weight around and start saying "we Singaporeans are so much better than you Malaysians" and similarly we are quite disliked by Malaysians.... and that is a fact.

Its a simple if you dont respect others, dont expect respect from others.... and dont keep playing the race card saying it is racism.... believe me.... we Asians have had more share of racism from whites than you would ever experience.... The so called racism by Asians towards whites is most of the time a backlash effect. You put us down and expect us to say "Yes Sahib, Yes Sir... very good sir... thank you for the guidance sir?"

Did we insult you personally? No need to go name calling :thumbsd:

No name calling... that's what all Aussies calls Brits (we use the word Pom as part of the Australian vernacular, and is largely used in a "playful or affectionate" sense) and Yank for Americans.

See where I am coming from though ? You mentioned their behaviour isn't offensive to you, but to others it was so... You say that I am name calling, but it is very common thing in Australia to use the term "Pom" and "Yank"

It's a front page new in today's New Paper. That 3 ******* did not pay the old man afterall. They left in a Taxi. Let us see what is the reaction from our Goverment. I wonder what will happen if this happen in other country. The people there probably protest outside the Bristish Embassy and demand Judgement for their countryman.

if they did this in Thailand and offended the King. They will be gone by the mops coming to them.

No name calling... that's what all Aussies calls Brits (we use the word Pom as part of the Australian vernacular, and is largely used in a "playful or affectionate" sense) and Yank for Americans.

See where I am coming from though ? You mentioned their behaviour isn't offensive to you, but to others it was so... You say that I am name calling, but it is very common thing in Australia to use the term "Pom" and "Yank"

Then the whole point of this thread is useless as everyone will have a different viewpoint depending on how they grew up and what environment they grew up in.

So on that basis then, so far no one is wrong, they just have different viewpoints.

We often call Aussies convicts, but you dont see us using it on a daily basis, especially in public.

if this happen in the 60's and 70's in Singapore, i can tell you, that 3 bxxxxxd will be whack. Our countrymen will not let this 3 brits off for bullying our old folk. They will hunt them down in Singapore to teach them a lesson that they will never forget.

Thanks for the constructive input :thumbsup:

no problem wildstallion :D, happy to point out your stupidity.

expect us to say "Yes Sahib, Yes Sir... very good sir... thank you for the guidance sir?"

some (not all) caucasian expects such treatment from Asian. when we offer them our genuine hospitality, they abuse such gestures by being disrepectful.

if this happen in the 60's and 70's in Singapore, i can tell you, that 3 bxxxxxd will be whack. Our countrymen will not let this 3 brits off for bullying our old folk. They will hunt them down in Singapore to teach them a lesson that they will never forget.

60's and 70's no internet... lol...

race aside, these bunch of people ought to be shot...

i see where hawaiisg and wildstallion are coming from, but, look again and think, is it a race issue or is it a respect issue. Just think... to me, its these 3 just having their fun making a joke out of an old man... probably they thought like some candid camera kinda pranks... cos in what i see, if they are in a hurry, they would probably take a cab, they took a trishaw, means they are just gonna enjoy the ride, to have 3 of them on a trishaw, i wonder whats the initial agreement... but think about it... how much horsepower does a car have, and lets say 50, and a horse is stronger than a man when it comes to running... so this old man, powering 3 man, you think its gonna be fast? so what the hell are they trying to compare with anyway? And the paying part is the most irritating part... if no money, dun take the ride... nuff said...

i do see, online esp in the youtube thread, alot of bashing on every foreigners which are definitely uncalled for...

i do see, online esp in the youtube thread, alot of bashing on every foreigners which are definitely uncalled for...

Yeap as previously mentioned in another verison of this thread, all this has done is stirring up old racial hatreds and mob mentalities, blowing the whole matter out of proportion.

race aside, these bunch of people ought to be shot...

i do see, online esp in the youtube thread, alot of bashing on every foreigners which are definitely uncalled for...

Sorry, im unsure where you stand, your first line tells me you dont mind bashing, but the second makes me think your a decent guy. Im a little confused.

Sorry, im unsure where you stand, your first line tells me you dont mind bashing, but the second makes me think your a decent guy. Im a little confused.

that's because you let your protectionist attitude blind your sight of the unacceptable actions of the 3. DCA is just saying what the 3 did was unacceptable, but there's no need to bash up every foreigner because of that. you've equated our disagreeing of the 3's action to that of racism, which is why i mentioned that it is you who brought the racism issue into this thread.

Sorry, im unsure where you stand, your first line tells me you dont mind bashing, but the second makes me think your a decent guy. Im a little confused.

I think it is simple.. .the 3 lads did something wrong and not saying we should lynch them but there is nothing wrong is pointing out that they are wrong.... My goodness have tried to be tactful about this but you just dont get it.... What the 3 lads did is wrong be it they are whites or not... Its not unlike the case of the 2 fellows who went to order pork from a Muslim restaurant and recording it all down for the sake of having a good laugh... Incidentally in that case all involved were Asians.... so dont bring in the racism topic again.

However you just keep going around and around saying we are racist.. we must not pass bad comments on the white race... etc etc etc and that the 3 lads are not wrong rather it is the trishaw fellow who is wrong.... that he could have forced them to take the ride.... etc etc etc..... Its basically your attitude of making a very obvious wrong seem so right that pisses everyone off more than the 3 lads!

that's because you let your protectionist attitude blind your sight of the unacceptable actions of the 3. DCA is just saying what the 3 did was unacceptable, but there's no need to bash up every foreigner because of that. you've equated our disagreeing of the 3's action to that of racism, which is why i mentioned that it is you who brought the racism issue into this thread.

I have not been blinded. I have not said anyone is being racist. Im merely pointing out that saying they should be shot completely contradicts DCA's point. Which it does!

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